Monday, February 2, 2015

Sinister Kisses (SKALS, #1) by Adriana Noir

Book Title: Sinister Kisses
Author: Adriana Noir
Series: SKALS #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

After a chance encounter in the woods leaves her shaken and reeling, the last thing Taylor McAvay wanted to do was accept an invitation to dinner. Then again, after seeing what Sebastian Baas was capable of, she felt she had little choice. The guy did just save her life, and the feel of his partner’s assault rifle pressed against her cheek still lingered in her mind.
What she discovers surprises her. Beneath the armor and fatigues, is a smart, attentive, and sophisticated man. Unable to resist, Taylor finds herself drawn in by the Special Agent’s charm. Everything about Sebastian, from his imposing presence to his hypnotic eyes, pulls her under his spell. When a drive by shooting leaves her apartment riddled with bullets, she falls under his command as well—not to mention the shadow of a lethal, underground organization known as SKALS. 
Her lover has a dark and dangerous side he tries to keep hidden, but when a series of events sends their lives spiraling out of control, she realizes there is much more to him than meets the eye. Whether she wants to leave or not doesn't matter. Taylor soon learns, when it comes to Sebastian and SKALS, there is no escape.


When twenty year old Taylor McAvay along with her cousin went to the woods to play airsoft, the last thing she expected was to hear real gunshots. And most definitely, a rifle to her face and a threat to blow hear head off were the last things she wanted. She knew she was in a very dangerous situation that can cost her life, until a man with curly blond hair and the most piercing green eyes she had ever seen saved her from being killed by his ruthless partner, only to ask her to go with him to dinner. But what Taylor didn't know, was that a chance encounter in the woods would lead her fate into the hands of the dark and dangerous Sebastian Baas—a man who would do anything to have her, a man who was more ruthless and sinister and showed no guilt or remorse, and a man capable of being a monster.

Once she accepted, one thing was for sure: there was no going back, and she could never escape the strong grip Sebastian has around her neck for he wouldn't let her go—ever.

"Death is the only thing that could ever tear us apart, even that would fail. It's you and me, Taylor. Nothing else matters."

I wasn't supposed to be reading this book—for the nth time—again, but I accidentally swiped it while scrolling through my reader and damn, once I started reading this even though I have read it a hundred times, I just couldn't stop. I was that hooked! Yes, I admit some parts were boring, but it wasn't a big deal to me. I love this series so much that it's my favorite re-reads of all time and I always find myself coming back for more.

And I have never done a casting for a particular book. Ever. This one's my first.

Please be warned that Sinister Kisses isn't your average romance, as the author says. Sebastian and Taylor's relationship ain't no rainbows and flowers. Their's were darkness that it borders on obsession and hovers over the thin line between dominance and submission. Please also note that this book does not have any aspects of bondage or any kind of play done in the bdsm field. Basically, Sebastian's hunger for complete dominance and Taylor's submission to his every desires are mostly what their relationship is about.

The first book of SKALS series is divided into two parts. In part 1, Sebastian met Taylor in the woods with his partner, Josh, pointing a rifle to her face, accusing her of being a lookout. But then the most unthinkable thing happened. Sebastian saved her from being killed by his partner and proceeded to ask her to dinner. And that's when he began pursuing her. Their relationship blossomed into something more and both agreed to meet each other again. From going out to dinner to bringing Taylor in his home, things between them pretty much started to get intimate. Since then, Sebastian's relentless pursuit of Taylor only showed how overly possessive he can be when it came to the girl he only has his eyes for.

"Sebastian's a very possessive man. He doesn't share, and he will take out anything he sees as a threat. ~ Josh

Basically, in part 1, we get to see how Sebastian and Taylor's relationship progresses. Though their relationship was like a whirlwind, to say the least. I wish we get to see more of the build-up between these two. And when an incident happened in Taylor's apartment that almost put her into danger, Sebastian manipulated Taylor into moving in with him.

"Let you? Taylor, I want you to stay. I didn't bring you home to spend a night or two just so you could turn around and leave. Stay with me. I'll give you whatever you want or need. I will take care of you." ~ Seb

At this point, everything seemed to happen so fast: from the steamy hot sex, to the declaration of their love for each other, and to planning their future together and having kids along the way. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? A beautiful romance where the Prince and Princess live happily every after.

Well, that's where we're wrong. Nothing about this book is a fairy tale. And the problem is, Sebastian ain't no Prince. Not even remotely close. There was just too much darkness in him. His character was so unpredictable that he can go from sweet to rough in a blink of a second. One moment, he and Taylor were laughing, cuddling together and having sweet moments. And then the next, he had his powerful grip around her throat. He was like a ticking time bomb ready to explode in any minute. His temper was so thin that one wrong move or answer and you'll see just how dark he can be. I don't know why, but I love his character. Call me crazy, but Sebastian is and always will be my favorite anti-hero of all time. 

I love his twisted mind and how messed up his thoughts are all the time. He may be scary, intense, lethal, domineering, controlling, abusive, and psychotic but in some sick way, he loves Taylor with all his might even though he manipulates and controls her to always be at his mercy. Years training at SKALS may have made him this way, to be heartless and to show no guilt or remorse in everything he does. But then he loved Taylor, anyway. And I like how overprotective he was of her.

And as for Taylor, I seriously have no words for this woman. She's this girl-next-door type of girl: young, innocent, sweet, and full of light. But she's doormat in every sense of way. She's weak, couldn't stand up on her own, cries all the time and always beg for forgiveness. For some reason I understand her. If I was in her position, maybe I also wouldn't be able to go against Sebastian. I just wish that she was strong enough when faced in a situation with Seb and that she won't cry all the time. I don't know how she could stand being with Sebastian with his overly controlling and abusive nature, but somehow, she did. But that doesn't mean that she knew everything about Sebastian, especially about SKALS. 

Taylor was the one unblemished thing in his life. She didn't look at him like everyone else. She knew a side of him no one else ever would. He'd tried so hard to keep her and his work separate. No matter how good things were between them, he couldn't help but wonder if she would still love him if she knew the things he had done.

At some point near the second half of the book, this was where the intense part of the story began. Sebastian almost killed a man in front of his teammates for touching Taylor at a Christmas party in their home.  This particular scene, I believe, was where Sebastian showed what he's truly capable of doing when it comes to the woman he loves. But then again, SKALS would never let what happened miss. And Marx, the director of SKALS, will do anything in his might to recondition Sebastian and his teammates to where their priorities truly belong to, even if it means killing his brother, his brother's pregnant life, and his nephew. 

The 2nd part of the book consists of how Sebastian and Taylor will keep their relationship tight and will prove how far their love for each other would go with Sebastian's obsessive desire for her, the dark looming shadows of SKALS just behind them, and the watchful eyes of Marx.


"Do you want to leave, Taylor?" he asked softly.

She winced, trembling as the cold press of steel kissed her temple. "N-nooo p-pleaaasee. Please, Sebastian."

"Shh," he soothed, stroking the back of her head. "Listen to me carefully, sweetheart, because I am only going to say this once. This... this is the only way you are ever going to get to leave me."

She sobbed, choking back a scream as his lips settled above the gun, kissing the side of her head.

"Do you understand me?"

Her chest jerked with rapid inhales. She was panting, her breath coming a hundred miles a minute. Slamming her eyes shut, Taylor nodded. God help her, she was going to pee—and then he really would kill her. Her body snapped into rigid tension as she felt him smile into her hair.

"Good girl," he whispered.

Adriana Noir is an avid fan of dark fiction, taboo subjects, and tortured anti-heroes. She also tends to write about these things. Most of the time she can be found plugging away at the computer, guzzling coffee and energy drinks, or mumbling to herself as she sorts out the twisted plots and character conversations in her head. She's also been known to binge read or slip into Netflix comas whenever time allows. Adriana has a weakness for all things Australian. Tim Tams and red licorice are her kryptonite. She's also mildly obsessed with the Cheshire Cat. When Adriana isn't reading or writing, she's usually spending time with her family, sharpening her culinary skills, or interacting on Facebook.


Addicted (Addicted, #1) by Charlotte Featherstone

Book Title: Addicted
Author: Whitney Bianca
Series: Addicted #1
Genres: Historical Fiction, Erotic Romance, Regency
BookLinks: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★ 5 Stars

Friends since childhood, Anais Darnby and Lindsay Markham have long harbored a secret passion for one another. When they finally confess their love, their future together seems assured, sealed with their searing embrace. 
But when a debauched Lindsay is seduced by a scheming socialite, a devastated Anais seeks refuge in another man's bed while Lindsay retreats to the exotic East. There, he is seduced again—this time by the alluring red smoke and sinister beauty of opium.
Back home, Lindsay's addiction is fed by the vogue for all things Oriental—especially its sensual pleasures—in fashionable London society. In his lucid moments, Lindsay still lusts after Anais, who can neither allow him near nor forget his smoldering touch. 
Tortured by two obsessions—opium and Anais—Lindsay must ultimately decide which is the one he truly cannot live without. 


What a wonderfully written erotic historical romance by Ms. Charlotte Featherstone. This was the first book I've read of her and I regret not having to read this sooner! It had been an emotional, heart-clenching journey for me and I was indeed left a sobbing mess! Addicted tells a heartfelt tale about lies and betrayals and its disastrous consequences that left a massive impact between our flawed hero, Lindsay and our troubled heroine, Anais. It is a story of passion, jealousy, addiction, forgiveness, redemption, and a love so powerful that it overcomes and conquers all.

“I vow I am, and always will be, constant and faithful in my love for you, Anais. Nothing you or anyone else does shall alter these feelings. I am forever loving, forever waiting, forever yearning...forever yours.”

I myself fell helplessly addicted with Lindsay and Anais that it left me bereft knowing their story had come to an end. I loved every moment I was reading this even though pages upon pages of this book seemed to have painfully gripped my heart. I loved the awe-inspiring lines all the genuine characters had delivered. And I hated that I felt weak and helpless after reading this book, that until now, Lindsay and Anais' love story still clung heavily in the confines of my mind. I absolutely love the author's skilled and flawless writing. She will bring you into a world where she will but no doubt break your heart to pieces. But have faith! Because she will once again pick up the pieces and make your heart whole as if there hadn't been a dark void in the first place. Well done, Ms. Featherstone! For writing such a brilliant literary work that had left a huge stamp in our hearts.

"From a letter to the Corinthians. 'Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated. It is not rude, it does not seek its own interest, it is not quick tempered, it does not brood over injury. It does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things. Love believes all things. Hopes all things. Endures all things. Love never dies...'"

Addicted is a novel by Charlotte Featherstone which can be read as standalone.

Charlotte Featherstone writes erotic historical romance for Harlequin Spice, as well as erotic paranormal romance under the name Sophie Renwick.


Sinful (Addicted, #2)
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency, Adult Fiction
He must find redemption in the most unlikely bedchamber...
In Victorian England vice of every kind can be purchased, and Matthew, the Earl of Wallingford, makes certain he avails himself of every possible pleasure. Bored and jaded, he is as well-known for his coldness as for his licentious affairs with beautiful women.
While these numerous dalliances fulfill Matthew's every physical need, they secretly leave him numb and emotionally void. Until one night when he finds himself beaten, eyes bandaged and in the care of a nurse with the voice of an angel - and a gentle touch that soothes the darkness in him and makes him yearn for more.
Yet Jane Rankin is a lowly nurse, considered shy and plain by most. There is no place for her amongst the lords and ladies of the aristocracy - despite Matthew's growing craving for the fire that burns behind her earnest facade. And then there is Matthew's secret. A secret so humiliating and scandalous is could destroy everyone he loves. A sin, he fears, not even the love of a good woman can take away... 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Transcendence by Shay Savage

Book Title: Transcendence
Author: Shay Savage
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Adult Fiction
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★ 5 Stars!

It’s said that women and men are from two different planets when it comes to communication, but how can they overcome the obstacles of prehistoric times when one of them simply doesn’t have the ability to comprehend language? 
Ehd’s a caveman living on his own in a harsh wilderness. He’s strong and intelligent, but completely alone. When he finds a beautiful young woman in his pit trap, it’s obvious to him that she is meant to be his mate. He doesn’t know where she came from; she’s wearing some pretty odd clothing, and she makes a lot of noises with her mouth that give him a headache. Still, he’s determined to fulfill his purpose in life – provide for her, protect her, and put a baby in her.
Elizabeth doesn’t know where she is or exactly how she got there. She’s confused and distressed by her predicament, and there’s a caveman hauling her back to his cavehome. She’s not at all interested in Ehd’s primitive advances, and she just can’t seem to get him to listen. No matter what she tries, getting her point across to this primitive, but beautiful, man is a constant – and often hilarious – struggle. 
With only each other for company, they must rely on one another to fight the dangers of the wild and prepare for the winter months. As they struggle to coexist, theirs becomes a love story that transcends language and time.


"My life with Beh was beautiful, transcending everything that set us apart from each other and bringing us together with our family and tribe."

5 "Ehd luffs Beh" stars! I have no words for this. Ms. Savage has written a one hell of an epic love story that will warm the hearts of many. I laughed, smiled, and cried throughout the book. The love Ehd and Beh had for each other was unlike any other I have read before. I was in awe of how Ehd---despite of him being a caveman and was unable to communicate and understand Beh---would give anything for his mate, protect her and make her happy in the safety of his arms (and even obsess about putting a baby in her!). There are certain parts in the book that I cried a lot, and the last chapter before the epilogue brought a pool of tears to my eyes, seriously. I don't think I'll ever get over a book this wonderful and touching.

"I will provide for her. I will protect her. I will give her anything she wants."

"I want her; I know I do. It is far beyond not wanting to be alone anymore. I want her – only her. I will do anything to make Beh mine."

"In the darkness of the cave, there is a light inside her eyes that makes my heart beat faster. I know the emotions I see there are also reflected in my own gaze though I have never felt this way before. Beh softly repeats the same three sounds, followed by my name-sound."

"I wonder what I will do if she doesn't wake up, and I don't have an answer. As I lie back down next to her and pull her into my arms, my stomach growls, and suddenly I know exactly what I will do. If she doesn't wake up, then I will just lie with her until I don't wake up either."

"I can’t stop the tears. I don’t want to cry. I’m too tired to cry. My life with Beh was beautiful, transcending everything that set us apart from each other and bringing us together with our family and tribe."

Hands down to Ms. Savage for creating a uniquely, beautifully written love story that will have a huge stamp in our hearts.

Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, masquerading as a zombie, is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and member of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. When the geek fun runs out, she also loves soccer in any and all forms - especially the Columbus Crew, Arsenal and Bayern Munich - and anxiously awaits the 2014 World Cup. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.


Published February 13th 2014 by Shay Savage, LLC