Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Abduction of Kelsey by Claire Thompson


Book Title: The Abduction of Kelsey
Author: Claire Thompson
Genres: Dark, Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★  4 Stars

Formerly released as: Claiming Kelsey "Embark on a journey along a dark path of erotic control and forced submission." 
James Bennett is captivated by his lovely but unattainable coworker, Kelsey Rowan. When she spurns his advances, he unleashes his long-hidden dark passions and takes her by force. Through a regime of erotic training, punishment and domination, James intends to mold Kelsey into the submissive and obedient wife of his dreams. 
Kelsey had no idea her mild-mannered boss was secretly and dangerously obsessed with her. Held against her will in a secluded cabin, she is subjected to a relentless barrage of sexual training and mind control, counterbalanced by James' terrifying declarations of love. As Kelsey succumbs to his rigid control, she must summon the will to survive, while edging precariously close to the brink of madness. 
Not for the faint of heart, The Abduction of Kelsey is a stark, probing look into the inner workings of a twisted mind, and the courage of one woman who never gives up in the fight to keep her spirit alive.  


Are you fond of cheesy sweet romance novels with a perfect alpha hero who sweeps the beautiful heroine off her feet, throw in a bit of drama before hearing wedding bells and they live happily ever after? Yes? Well, then, this isn't the book you're looking for. Go on now, look for other books, because you wouldn't find the proverbial rainbows and flowers here, not in any Claire Thompson book for that matter.

Warning: This isn't romance. This isn't a love story.
This is obsession at its finest.

James Bennett is normally the type of guy you would see driving a sleek black sedan or wearing tailored suits. At twenty-nine, he has a good job where he works as Vice President at a large commercial bank. He is at the peak of his career. With a satisfying job career and wealthy living, he is pretty much contented with what he has in his life. Until he sees Kelsey Rowan applying for a job at the office, and his world was turned upside down.

It was as if the two of them spoke a secret, special language. A language that didn't require words or prior knowledge to understand. While he knew it was corny in the extreme, he thought of it as a language of the heart. They were born for one another. She was his soulmate, and as odd as it sounded even to his own ears, he'd known that from the moment he'd laid eyes on her. ~ James

Kelsey Rowan is new at the office. With her gorgeous looks and compelling beauty, men are irresistibly drawn to her. But the last thing she wants is to get involved with someone new. A fresh start is something she's been looking forward to in her new life after a clean break from her past. Little did she know was that one night was all it took, and her life leaps into an abrupt turn to a path that is as dark and terrifying as any.

James has been slowly bidding his time to find the right moment to make his move to the beauty that he couldn't own. Until one night, opportunity comes knocking at his door, and this one in particular he couldn't resist.

The old James was gone, and good riddance. The new James Bennett was a man who took what he wanted—who claimed his woman with sheer, brute strength. Kelsey belonged to him. Whatever he'd dreamed of or planned up to this moment no longer mattered. Kelsey was his and he could never let her go.

"Embark on a journey along a dark path of erotic control and forced submission."

Whenever I read a Claire Thompson book, I get nervous as hell, but all the while feeling thrilled with what she has in store for her novels. And I admit this has been an utterly depressing ride. I find it somehow similar to Enslaved and Obsession: Girl Abducted, the only difference was how the characters were portrayed. Let me just warn you that The Abduction of Kelsey isn't your typical boy-meets-girl romance. This was something darker—a man's deep, intense obsession that started at first sight, and a woman forced to submit to this man against her will.

I love obsessive alpha males in books, but James was nowhere near an alpha, and he was obsessed in a way that would make the hairs at the back of your neck stand. He was an anti hero in every sense of word. The way his twisted mind worked was so sick that it would leave you cringing and wanting to put a bullet in his head. He was so consumed with his obsession for Kelsey to the point of kidnapping her, raping her over and over,and even threatening her with a gun just so she would obey.  At one time he was brutal when losing his temper, and then the next he would feel guilt and would shower her with kindness and "his love and care." In his own sick and twisted way, he loved her. How sick man this man was. The things he did to her were beyond me. It repulsed me, to the point of putting this book down for a moment when the scene was getting worse before continuing it again. James may be a man with sheer strength and brutality, but deep down, he was anything but.

On the other hand, I admire Kelsey. My heart shattered a million times for her in this book but despite everything she has been through with James, in the end, she was the one who was strong enough not to break.

She'd nearly been beaten down, but in the end she'd come alive again, ready to fight, never giving up.

Ms. Thompson is such a great writer and story-teller. Her powerful writing pulled me in and made me feel as if I were with the characters, feeling the onslaught of their pain. I have to say I'm such a huge fan of C. Thompson, I love dark and taboo reads. She's one of the few authors I go to whenever I find myself wanting to delve into the darker side. I've read depressing stories about women who are victims of horrible kidnapping and rape, this book in particular is one I wouldn't forget. 

Claire Thompson has published erotic fiction and romance since 1996. Her work includes the sensual exploration of D/s and erotic romance, as well as the darker side of BDSM. Her work includes in-depth exploration of both m/f and m/m relationships, in the context of romance and D/s. She has published over fifty novels and short stories, both in print and ebook format. 
It is important to her to write about real people, characters she and her readers come to care about. She doesn't want to simply provide an erotic thrill or evocative description. With her D/s romances she seeks not only to tell a story, but to come to grips with, and ultimately exalt in the true beauty and spirituality of a loving exchange of power. Her darker works press the envelope of what is erotic and what can be a sometimes dangerous slide into the world of sadomasochism. She strives to write about the timeless themes of sexuality and romance, with twists and curves to examine the romantic side of the human psyche. Ultimately her work deals with the human condition, and the constant search for love and intensity of experience. 
A successful, independent author, Claire Thompson publishes under the Romance Unbound Publising.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Cold-Blooded Beautiful by Christine Zolendz


Book Title: Cold-Blooded Beautiful
Author: Christine Zolends
Series: Beautiful #2
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, BDSM
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

What happens when your past comes back to haunt you?  
Imagine having a secret whispered in your ear, a secret that once revealed, changes everything in your life that you thought to be true.  
What would you do if you learned that everything you had was just a lie, a lie that could end everything you ever worked for and destroy everyone you ever cared about? 
What happens when all your secrets come spilling forth and your past catches up to you? 
Will it consume you? 
Will it destroy you? 
Six months ago Kade Grayson helped Doctor Samantha Matthews hide from a violent past, one that she wants to keep hidden from everyone. Deep in her heart, she hides her secrets, too afraid to hurt the only people she has left to trust. 
What happens when she is forced to face her past?  
Will love be enough to save her?  
Because her deadly game of Hide and Seek is at its end.


“She brought me back from the dead. I never realized how ugly my insides were until she showed me what beauty really was.”

Cold-Blooded Beautiful picks up where the previous book left off. After faking Sam's death, she and Kade are now on the run to build a healthy, normal relationship. Both Kade and Sam has a dark and fucked-up past, but Kade has been going to therapy, and Sam is still hiding from the demons that haunt her. She thinks she can live a normal life now that her father and husband know that she's dead. But what happens when her past comes for her and takes her away from her happiness?

Not everyone can run away from their demons. Especially when it's just behind you, waiting for you to turn around and meet him face to face. Again.

Then, I saw the man behind the flowers, standing larger than life, in that darkness full of shadows and emptiness. David. 

This book was an emotional trainwreck. Heartbreaking, tear-inducing, and very suspenseful that you would dare not to put it down. The events were so intense that I refused to do household chores and get out of my room for a day. I really enjoyed both books, but I must say that this one pulled me in even more. I love the angst and suspense, and definitely love the author's writing style, even her attempt to make some dialogues ridiculously funny. 

The only thing that I'd complain about is that some parts of this book were still lacking details. And Kade, God, I swear that guy needs a lot more therapy. He cried a lot in this book, and broke a lot of stuff more. I hate it when a hero throws a fit like a freaking twelve year old. But thank God he didn't do some crazy stuff like sleeping with other women when he thought that Sam left him. And I loved how madly obsessed he was with Sam. And as always, I loved Sam's insanely good sense of humor even when she was confined at the hospital. One of my favorite heroines. Ever.

Now, if you think Brutally Beautiful is dark, wait 'til you read this book. It's far more intense, brutal, and darker than you'd imagine.

Christine Zolendz resides in New York City, and is the author of five novels. Her first series, a paranormal romance (heavy on the romance and light on the paranormal) was published in 2012-2013 and includes Fall From Grace, Saving Grace, and Scars and Songs. Her newest series, published in 2014, includes the dark romance Brutally Beautiful and Cold-Blooded Beautiful.

STALK CHristine:

Brutally Beautiful by Christine Zolendz


Book Title: Brutally Beautiful
Author: Christine Zolends
Series: Beautiful #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, BDSM
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

With blood still on her hands, Samantha Matthews is on the run, running from dark secrets and a man she prays to God will never find her. Running and hiding, just to stay alive. She had no choice but to run, to leave, to hide and forget about her life before. When Samantha believes she's gained enough distance from her past and her demons, she stops running, hoping to find her future in the heavily wooded area of the Adirondack Mountains, a place she never expected to encounter a man with secrets as dark and as sordid as hers.  
Kade Grayson is hiding, not from the demons after him, but from himself and from the entire outside world, wishing every day he could have just died. Arrogant and domineering, he’s tormented and terrorized by his past, seeing nothing good for his future. With the ghosts of his past still haunting him, he has exiled himself to a life of solitude, only living for his words and through his stories. 
Until her. 
An undeniable attraction, turns into hate and then ultimately obsession, an obsession that grows into a powerful story of love and redemption. 
Will the bond they have begun to build between them grow stronger than the tragedies that have scarred both of their lives? Or will they allow their demons to consume them?

"I'm falling in love with you, and I'm going to let you destroy me."

This was a pretty great read. I was curious right from the very first page, until curiosity got the better of me and all I know was that I suddenly couldn't put the book down. Brutally Beautiful is the first book I've read by this author and immediately I was captivated by her compelling and very polished writing style. The characters were very unconventional, not the usual or average MCs you would read in a book, but they weren't difficult to like at all. This book was messed up, but I loved and enjoyed it. By 90% of the book and I was like what the hell is going on. I need more details and answers because that ending did not do any justice to how good this book was!

Brutally Beautiful is a dark erotic romance novel which can't be read as standalone, Obviously, you'll need the next book!

Christine Zolendz resides in New York City, and is the author of five novels. Her first series, a paranormal romance (heavy on the romance and light on the paranormal) was published in 2012-2013 and includes Fall From Grace, Saving Grace, and Scars and Songs. Her newest series, published in 2014, includes the dark romance Brutally Beautiful and Cold-Blooded Beautiful.

STALK CHristine:

All of You by Gina Sorelle


Book Title: All of You
Author: Gina Sorelle
Series: All of Me #2
Genres: Romance, Contemporary
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

Brilliant geneticist Kat Ciaramitaro is, and always has been, a bit of a nerd. She’s also the only level-headed member of a big Italian family where crazy reigns supreme. A life-altering medical diagnosis seven years ago changed a lot of things, but most days, Kat handles the emotional and physical baggage just fine. Because that’s what strong women do, right? They stand and they deal. Or, if they can’t stand, they sit and they deal.  
Cleveland Police Officer Danny MacDonough is broken. Eighteen years of being passed from foster home to foster home left him feeling unwanted and totally unlovable, but Danny’s spent every moment since his eighteenth birthday making up for lost time, grabbing happiness wherever he can, with whomever he can, however he can…all while making sure no one gets close enough to see all the cracks in his well-honed façade.  
When Kat’s sister married Danny’s best friend, their lives became forever intertwined. Despite their different backgrounds and polar opposite personalities, Danny and Kat formed a visceral connection the moment they met. They fought it with all they had, but one fateful night changes everything – thrusting them into an all-consuming, passionate relationship that threatens to tear down the walls they’ve so carefully constructed around their hearts.  
But Kat is ill and Danny is wounded. And nothing about what’s developed between them is easy or neat. Their love is messy and chaotic and its intensity ultimately forces them into one final showdown where Danny and Kat must decide once and for all what will win– 
His past, her future or their love?


What an emotional roller coaster ride! This book was so compelling that I barely had any sleep and I hardly even blinked while reading it. Damn, I'm such a sucker for tearjerkers. The author has a way of writing that will deeply affect your emotions, just like it did mine. This novel made me feel all sorts of things in a matter of a day: I smiled, laughed, got annoyed and frustrated, and I fucking cried. The characters were fun to read and there were hot, steamy scenes between the H and h as well. I haven't read the first book in this series yet, I didn't intend at all to read this first but I was immensely drawn with the book blurb that I had to put my hands on this one immediately. There were lots of drama but Kat and Danny's story was beautiful that it will leave you utterly speechless (though the book was a bit too long and the second half seemed to drag on forever). This is definitely a must-read for contemporary romance lovers who love to read about a hero who's madly in love with his heroine that he even cried for her. 4 heart-melting stars for this one.

“I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I just didn’t know it till I met you”

Gina Sorelle is the author of the All of Me series. Her debut book, "All of Me" was published in 2013, followed a year later by the second book to the series, "All of You." When she's not torturing her stoic, stalwart heroes with strong, witty heroines, she enjoys reading, drinking way too much coffee, trying to be the best wife and mom she can be, and procrastinating (especially when it comes to cleaning the house). She is also a part-time student, a lover of history, and hopelessly addicted to Lifetime movies.


Ridge (Wild #2) by Adriane Leigh


Book Title: Ridge
Author: Adriane Leigh
Series: Wild #2
Genres: Erotica, Contemporary, New Adult
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★ 3 Stars

Sometimes doing the wrong thing feels so right... 
I'm a player. I'm an asshole. I'm someone you should stay away from. 
I have demons. 
I've made mistakes. 
And the biggest can't be taken back.
I've gone to hell and back in twenty-nine years and I'm only now coming to terms with moving forward, righting my wrongs, and making amends. Except not everyone deserves forgiveness. Sometimes the damage done is beyond repair. 
Everyday is exactly the same. I focus on the pain, in the quest to feel and forget, but I remember everything. When I close my eyes the darkness encroaches and some days it feels like the things that kill me are the things that make me feel alive.


Fucked Up Stars. Seriously? Ridge. F*cking Ridge. I wanted to d*ck slap him in the face since the beginning of the book! I've never been more infuriated in a fictional character before! Ridge was all sorts of f*cked up the entire book. He f*cked up big time with his brother, with Mia, and with Amy. Poor Amy! There were lots of cheating in this book. I usually stay away from books where the hero have sex with another woman when all he ever wanted was the h. I wanted to hate this book, I really do. But I wanted to slap myself more for liking it! I love how Adriane Leigh writes, kept me over the edge the entire time :) Would have given 4 stars only if Ridge redeemed himself more in the end. I just wish he and Mia got married and had wonderful kids tho in the epilogue. They deserved a nice HEA from all the f*ckedupness they had been through. But still, this was an okay, dark-and-twisted, panty-melting, tear-your-heart-into-pieces read.

Adriane Leigh was born and raised in a snowbank in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and now lives among the sand dunes of the Lake Michigan lakeshore.She graduated with a Literature degree but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer.She is married to a tall, dark, and handsome guy, and plays mama to two sweet baby girls. She is a voracious reader and wishes she had more time to knit scarves to keep her warm during the arctic Michigan winters. 

STALK adRiane:

Wild (Wild #1) by Adriane Leigh


Book Title: Wild
Author: Adriane Leigh
Series: Wild #1
Genres: Erotica, Contemporary, New Adult
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

An independent woman, a controlling man, and one wild one-night stand… 
Kat Kennedy moved to the rugged coast of Maine to start a new life, but encountered much more than she bargained for in dark, dangerous, and seductive Lane Wild. 
Desire and temptation smolder before she succumbs to her darkest fantasies with the captivating stranger. She doesn't expect to see him again after an explosive one-night stand leaves her breathless and craving more, but just like lightning in the darkness, he shows up in her life at the most unpredictable moments. 
A sensual game of cat and mouse ensues before the attraction between them reaches a fever pitch—the magnetism combustible, the sexual tension nearly unbearable—and Kat finally abandons inhibition and explores the cunning, selfish, and sexual side of a world she's never known.  
They have the perfect non-relationship—passion-fueled nights with no strings attached—until life gets real and the past and present collide in a dangerous storm of lust and obsession. 


This was one of the hottest, steamiest and wildest contemporary romance books I've read. Lane Wild was one hell of a dirty talking, possessive alpha male who has extreme caveman tendencies! I just love that dirty mouth of his! I also loved the heroine, Kat a.k.a. "Sugar". She wasn't annoying like any other heroines I've read about and boy do I adore her feisty badass attitude! Kat was a tough woman on the outside, but behind her tigress self lies a broken woman who tries to escape the dark shadows of her past that still haunts her. Like Wild, she also doesn't do relationships and she avoids being deeply attached to someone. But when she met Wild and got to know him, boy things do start to change! The first 70% of this book was basically about sex, dirty talks, and a lot more sex. And then you read the last 30% and then bam! Only then will the plot of the story start to bloom and I was completely taken aback by the unexpected turn of events! This was a nice quick and steamy read that will surely leave you creaming on your panties and wanting for more.

My reason for breathing. My reason for living. My reason for it all.

Adriane Leigh was born and raised in a snowbank in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and now lives among the sand dunes of the Lake Michigan lakeshore.She graduated with a Literature degree but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer.She is married to a tall, dark, and handsome guy, and plays mama to two sweet baby girls. She is a voracious reader and wishes she had more time to knit scarves to keep her warm during the arctic Michigan winters. 

STALK adRiane:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Incandescent by River Savage


Book Title: Incandescent
Author: River Savage
Series: I Knights Rebel MC #1
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

Phoenix ‘Nix’ Knight thought pulling his club out of the illegal shit his Pops got them into was difficult.  
Until he meets Kadence.  
Kadence Turner has no business lusting over a student’s father, especially the president of the Knights Rebels MC. Nix is crass, obnoxious and dangerously sexy and for some reason, Kadence can’t seem to hate him for it. The bossy biker breaks down her defenses, but unlike the old Kadence, the woman she is today won’t give in without a fight.  
The tension is undeniable, the attraction fierce. A man that wants what he wants and a woman that will fight him every step of the way.


Oh thank heavens! It's kind of rare these days to find an MC novel without a cheating hero. It's been a while since I've read an MC book and this was a really fun read. Boy, Nix Knight ain't just any alpha male, he also talks dirty as hell! The fact that he has an eleven (or twelve) year old kid and was married before to a bitch of an ex-wife sort of bothered me at first, but I was surprised it didn't affect me at all throughout the book. Nix Knight is as devoted and as committed to his heroine as any other alpha males out there and I loved that he'd stop at nothing to make Kadence happy and love only her. This book was sweet and the drama wasn't surprisingly too over the top. Nix and Kadence's relationship was one hell of an intense and fiery passionate romance and I enjoyed reading every minute of it. Can't wait for Sy's book!

River Savage is the author of the Knights Rebels MC Series. 
An avid reader of romance and erotic novels, her love for books and reading fueled her passion for writing. Reading no longer sated her addiction, so she started writing in secret. She never imagined that her dream of publishing a novel would ever be achievable. 
With a soft spot for an alpha male and a snarky sassy woman, Kadence and Nix were born. 


Fighting the Fall by J.B. Salsbury


Book Title: Fighting The Fall
Author: J.B. Salsbury
Series: Fighting #4
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult, Erotica
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★ 3 Stars

The toughest fighters aren’t created in the octagon but are born of necessity. When life delivers blow after punishing blow, you fight back or get destroyed. 
Eve Dawson has had her fill of bad luck. A string of unhealthy relationships has left her angry, bitter, and frustrated. She’s given up on being happy and settles for content. Swearing off men, she repels advances and makes herself a challenge to even the most persistent suitors. After all, how much can the fragile human heart take? But life isn’t finished with her, and when things can’t possibly get worse . . . they do. 
Stay on your feet. 
It’s Cameron Kyle’s motto, but with his fighting career ripped from his grasp, a child he wasn’t strong enough to save, and a marriage that even the brawn of a heavyweight couldn’t hold together, it’s getting harder and harder to stay upright. He takes on the position of CEO of the UFL, intent on hiding his biggest weakness in order to forge a path that leads him back into the octagon. 
When an old rival mysteriously gets wind of Cameron’s plan to fight again, he comes out of retirement to settle old debts, but secrets, lies, and betrayal threaten to deliver the death-blow. The distraction of a sass-mouthed girl seventeen years his junior is the last thing he needs until a tragic accident shatters the firm foundation of his resolve and he realizes just how far he’s fallen. 
Will they risk it all and fight to be together? 
Or does defeat lie within the fall?


3 fighting stars. I thought I was gonna love this book. Don't get me wrong, I do like it. The author writes as beautifully as ever. And the storyline itself is interesting. But what I do not like in this book are the MCs.

My legs wobble. Knees buckle. And for the first time in my life . . . I fall.

Cameron is fucked up, I mean who wouldn't feel messed up with a fucked up past he'd had? At the start of the book, he was married fourteen years ago to a model and they had a lovely twin: a son and a daughter. But in a short span of time, things went wrong and everything in his life altered, leaving him and his family broken beyond repair. Not to mention that one accident changed his fighting career forever. Fourteen years later, divorced and still living his life with the dark looming shadows of his past that wouldn't go away, he met Eve, and he couldn't deny the pull of attraction he felt towards her. Eventually, they hooked up. And then the story goes... Sex, some secrets, drama, misunderstandings, sex, drama, and more secrets. Gee, it's like a never-ending cycle I'd have to put up with. 

I never saw it clearly before. Because sometimes it takes losing someone to put life into perspective. I’ve lost close to everything I ever loved, and I’m only now seeing shit for what it really is: a series of tragic mistakes that have ruined lives. And I’ve had the power to put an end to it all.

I feel bad for Cameron about his past, but most of the time I want to punch him in the face. He's alpha male alright, with all the jealousy and possessiveness he felt towards Eve, but sadly he wasn't the kind of alpha male I'd love to read about. I just couldn't connect with him. I didn't even feel the chemistry between him and our heroine---well, maybe in some scenes---but most of the time, I just couldn't feel it. And Eve. Damn, Eve. I honestly think that the story would've been better IMO without Eve in it. She annoyed me at times. But only if the ex-wife D'Lilah wasn't as annoying as ever---being clingy and dependent and all---I'd rather her be the heroine in this book. 

Falling isn't always a failure. Sometimes the biggest victories happen when we’re brave enough to let go and give in to the pull.

The ending was cheesy sweet, but too much for me. I didn't like this as much as I love the three previous books. I hope the next book in this series gets better :) Is there a next one? I do hope there is. I wanna hear about Killian's story, or maybe even Ryder's. Either way, I ain't keeping my hands off of this author. ♥ 

J.B. Salsbury, New York Times Best Selling author of the Fighting series, lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and two kids. She spends the majority of her day as a domestic engineer. But while she works through her daily chores, a world of battling alphas, budding romance, and impossible obstacles claws away at her subconscious, begging to be released to the page.
Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. With her journalistic background, writing has always been at the forefront, and her love of romance prompted her to sink her free time into novel writing.


Until Nico (Until #4) by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Book Title: Until Nico
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds
Series: Until Series #4
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Erotica
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4.5 Stars

Sophie Grates has never had it easy, but she’s finding her way through life one step and one day at a time. That is, Until Nico comes in and flips her world upside-down. He forces her to see you cannot live life from the outside looking in, and sometimes you have to step out onto the ledge so you can really enjoy the view. 
Nico Mayson knew the moment he saw Sophie Grates that she was the one. His whole life, he has been judged by what’s on the outside, so finding a beautiful woman who sees the real him only makes his feelings that much stronger. 
Nico knows the kind of man he is, and the things he is capable of, and he will do everything in his power to help Sophie fight her demons so they can have their happily ever after. Everything in life worth having is worth fighting for.


"I knew from the moment I saw her that she's it—my boom."

4.5 stars after a re-read! Devoured this again in one night and damn, what's there not to like about this series? I feel like I'm in the heaven of alpha males! I don't know how many times I found myself coming back for more of this book, but every time I read it again, I fall more and more helplessly in love with these awesome characters! Reynolds writes some really hot alpha cavemen who mark their territories as theirs and I. Am. Damn. Addicted. 

Among 4 books in this series, Until Nico is my absolute favorite. I don't know why, but I really have a thing for tattooed swoon-worthy badass alpha males and Nico Maysonwill be my downfall.

I just love his character, how he only had his eyes for his sweet Sophie and will stop at nothing to love and protect her. I love the whole insta-love/love-at-first-sight thing going on when Nico met Sophie even though at times it seemed ridiculously unrealistic. But hell, I couldn't quite care less, I freaking loved it! And those love scenes, damn!I would have given this book perfect 5 stars if some of the scenarios in this book were rather shown than told. Like the part when Nico and Sophie were suddenly married. I think that some scenes jumped so fast to another that I didn't even see it coming. But none-the-less,

NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Aurora Rose Reynolds started writing so that the over the top alpha men that lived in her head would leave her alone. When she's not writing or reading she spends her days with her very own real life alpha who loves her as much as the men in her books love their women and their Great Dane Blue that always keeps her on her toes.


Owning the Beast by Alexa Riley


Book Title: Owning the Beast
Author: Alexa Riley
Genres: Adult Fiction, Erotica, Contemporary
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

When Annabella Blanca finds herself on the doorstep of her new home, she is terrified, yet hopeful of what her new life will be.  
Griffin Stone has locked himself away from the world. One minor mix-up, and all his carefully built walls come crashing down.  
When love finds its way in to even the darkest of hearts, will it be enough to stand the greatest tests? Can beauty own the beast? 
Warning: This book contains a scarred hero, a virgin bride, insta-love, and tons of sex. 


Read this in one sitting and I loved it! The very second our hero first laid eyes on our heroine, sparks flew. Yep. Insta-love, baby. I know people are probably tired of reading about "insta-love" in romance novels but I have no complaints given that this is a short story and I absolutely enjoyed it.

Griffin was such an alpha male and I fucking love the shit out of him. He may have been a jerk at first—treating the heroine badly and all—but he has his reasons to justify his actions and rude behavior towards our heroine when they first met that will make you go from hating him to wanting to cradle him in your arms and just hold him tight. The moment he saw her, he wanted her in his bed. When he had her, he went from cold to sweet to "I can't keep my hands off her" and to "I want her to stay with me forever." He was OTT jealous and possessive, didn't want another man looking at what belonged to his. And I loved the fact that he didn't wear protection with the heroine, where he always wore one with other women in the past.

On the other hand, I was a bit confused with the heroine, Annabella. One moment she was shy and sweet, then the next she was throwing an attitude. And the plot twist that suddenly came out of nowhere had me arching a brow. Other than that, it was still an entertaining read.

If you're looking for a quick read to spice up your time with insta-love, a bunch of smutty sex scenes, hot-as-hell dirty talks, a sweet virginal heroine and an OTT possessive hero with extreme caveman tendencies who will do anything in his might to keep his woman, you're in luck! This book fits just right up your alley and I guarantee it would be worth your while. You might need extra panties though, because this one is panty-dropping hot. *winks*

Alexa Riley is a mom, wife, and business woman by day and smut writer by night. She specializes in the Dirty Date Night reading. She wrote her first book, Owning Her Innocence, because she just couldn’t find any daddy books to her liking. So she sat down and just started writing, bringing the fantasies she find herself often dancing to in the dark of night to life, one page at a time.


Penelope's Punishment by Zoe Blake


Book Title: Penelope's Punishment
Author: Zoe Blake
Genres: Historical Romance, Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

“I’ll be the match and the fire, Kitten. You run. I chase. You’re mine now. I won’t let you go.” With those words of warning, Penelope became the married possession of the most dangerous man she had ever met.  
Just a few weeks earlier, Penelope had been Pip, a talented pickpocket surviving on the London streets, until the night she chose the wrong man to rob. Looking past the foul mouth and boyish garb, Lord Alex Evers saw a diamond in the rough, a defiant female in need of his special brand of discipline.  
Penelope fights him every step of the way, unwilling to give up her independence or to submit to his demands, despite her attraction to the handsome lord. Will a trip over his knee for a well-deserved spanking change her mind? 


Penelope (who goes by the name Pip in the pretense of being a boy) lives as a pickpocket and has been surviving on her own for years. When she finds a wealthy man alone on the streets, he becomes her next target. But her plans take a sudden turn as she quickly finds herself in the hands of Lord Alex Evers, a man who would alter her life forever.

Alex has been spending all his life searching for a "little one" for him to love, cherish and to dominate. Years of loveless encounter with women and he still hasn't found a woman who would fully submit to him. Who would have thought that one night on the streets of London was all it took for him finally find her?

Despite the feisty lass' futile attempts to escape him as he caught her, nothing was stopping him from making her his and taking her to where she rightfully belongs. She would be his little one, he would make her submit to him in every way possible and he would never let her go.

"I am the match and the fire, Kitten." His tone fierce with barely leashed desire. "You run, I chase. You're mine now. I can't... I won't let you go."

Ms. Zoe Blake never disappoints when it comes to Victorian Age-play Erotic romance. I simply loved this book. I adore the characters and the plot itself and the writing is as breathtaking as ever. Penelope's strength and willingness to fight and her sassy mouth and feisty attitude were what made her a lot different compared to Emmie and Lily from the two previous books in the series. As usual, there were lots of smexin' anal play, spanking and domestic discipline in this book and I loved every detailed scenes of Penelope's punishment and submission.

The only thing that made me not rate this book 5 stars is that the scene towards the end was a bit abrupt. I wasn't fully satisfied with how this book ended, but it was still indeed an entertaining read. In my honest opinion, Ms. Zoe Blake is what every Age-Play authors out there shall aspire to be. Just simply outstanding. And I hope there's a next book in the series.  

Zoe Blake is a #1 Best-Selling Author in Victorian and Historical Erotica. She writes erotic romance novels with controlling, arrogant, and hot-as-hell alpha males.