Thursday, April 16, 2015

I Know What Love Is by Whitney Bianca

Book Title: I Know What Love Is
Author: Whitney Bianca
Series: I Know... #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, Romance, Adult Fiction
Book Links: Goodreads, Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5 Stars!

This is not a love story.
A chance encounter in a dark bar changed my life forever. I'll never forget the events of that night and the days that followed. I'll never be the same. He tried to break me, but now I'm stronger than ever.
I want him to pay. I want him to suffer. I want to be just as much of a monster as he is.
But maybe, deep down... I want him just as much as he wants me. Maybe we deserve each other. Maybe he knows me better than I know myself.
But I know what love is, and this is not it.
Warning: This dark erotic tale contains violence, explicit sexuality, and adult situations. The content may be considered objectionable, so please read at your own discretion.


"He was a murderer and a rapist. He was crazy and unstable and wanted to possess me, body and soul, but when he made love to me, I couldn't stop myself from wanting it. He'd taken everything from me and I was messed up enough to keep giving him more. I was drowning in him." 

What. The. Fuck. This book was utterly maddening and completely insane. Devoured it in a day and I just couldn't put it down. The MCs were plain bat shit crazy and mentally fucked up that I'm afraid I might have lost my sanity too. I've read quite a handful of dark books but I have never came across with anything like this one before. And to top it off, my twisted heart loved every bit of it.

I can't believe this is a debut novel of Whitney Bianca who's a new author to me. She's very talented and writes like a pro! I really look forward to reading the next book, I need more of Joan and Elliot!

To lovers of dark disturbing books that have crazy as fuck characters and a handful scenes of rough & dirty sex, no doubt you'll enjoy this one.


Whitney Bianca is a new dark erotica writer. Her debut book, I Know What Love Is, was first published on August 2014.

She's a true fan of LOVE, romance, and sexy times. She loves writing about power plays between two people, whether they're in love or in lust. She loves the way people can communicate through sex. She loves taking her characters to the edge and shoving them off.

If you like to take a walk on the dark side, you're her kind of person.