Monday, April 20, 2015

All of You by Gina Sorelle


Book Title: All of You
Author: Gina Sorelle
Series: All of Me #2
Genres: Romance, Contemporary
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

Brilliant geneticist Kat Ciaramitaro is, and always has been, a bit of a nerd. She’s also the only level-headed member of a big Italian family where crazy reigns supreme. A life-altering medical diagnosis seven years ago changed a lot of things, but most days, Kat handles the emotional and physical baggage just fine. Because that’s what strong women do, right? They stand and they deal. Or, if they can’t stand, they sit and they deal.  
Cleveland Police Officer Danny MacDonough is broken. Eighteen years of being passed from foster home to foster home left him feeling unwanted and totally unlovable, but Danny’s spent every moment since his eighteenth birthday making up for lost time, grabbing happiness wherever he can, with whomever he can, however he can…all while making sure no one gets close enough to see all the cracks in his well-honed façade.  
When Kat’s sister married Danny’s best friend, their lives became forever intertwined. Despite their different backgrounds and polar opposite personalities, Danny and Kat formed a visceral connection the moment they met. They fought it with all they had, but one fateful night changes everything – thrusting them into an all-consuming, passionate relationship that threatens to tear down the walls they’ve so carefully constructed around their hearts.  
But Kat is ill and Danny is wounded. And nothing about what’s developed between them is easy or neat. Their love is messy and chaotic and its intensity ultimately forces them into one final showdown where Danny and Kat must decide once and for all what will win– 
His past, her future or their love?


What an emotional roller coaster ride! This book was so compelling that I barely had any sleep and I hardly even blinked while reading it. Damn, I'm such a sucker for tearjerkers. The author has a way of writing that will deeply affect your emotions, just like it did mine. This novel made me feel all sorts of things in a matter of a day: I smiled, laughed, got annoyed and frustrated, and I fucking cried. The characters were fun to read and there were hot, steamy scenes between the H and h as well. I haven't read the first book in this series yet, I didn't intend at all to read this first but I was immensely drawn with the book blurb that I had to put my hands on this one immediately. There were lots of drama but Kat and Danny's story was beautiful that it will leave you utterly speechless (though the book was a bit too long and the second half seemed to drag on forever). This is definitely a must-read for contemporary romance lovers who love to read about a hero who's madly in love with his heroine that he even cried for her. 4 heart-melting stars for this one.

“I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I just didn’t know it till I met you”

Gina Sorelle is the author of the All of Me series. Her debut book, "All of Me" was published in 2013, followed a year later by the second book to the series, "All of You." When she's not torturing her stoic, stalwart heroes with strong, witty heroines, she enjoys reading, drinking way too much coffee, trying to be the best wife and mom she can be, and procrastinating (especially when it comes to cleaning the house). She is also a part-time student, a lover of history, and hopelessly addicted to Lifetime movies.



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