Sunday, May 31, 2015

Forced Submission by Claire Thompson


Book Title: Forced Submission
Author: Claire Thompson
Series: Standalone
Genres: Dark Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★☆ 4 Stars

Mia is thrilled when she's hired as administrative assistant to handsome millionaire, Ellis Hughes. Her dream job quickly becomes a nightmare when she learns, too late, that Ellis Hughes is a sexual sadist, determined to mold her into his perfect submissive slave girl. Stripped of her freedom and her identity, Mia becomes M, her life focused entirely on the avoidance of pain and the seeking of what pleasure she can find in the dungeon of the man she now knows only as Sir. As M struggles to rekindle the flame of her spirit amidst a constant barrage of erotic torture and sexual subjugation, help is offered from an unexpected source-a tiny spark of hope in the darkness of M's forced submission.


4 Gut-Wrenching Stars.

Forced Submission was by far Claire Thompson's most brutal work I've read yet, in my opinion. Whenever I am in the mood for something super dark to read, I always turn to this author, and she never fail to surprise me with her brilliant literary skills in the BDSM, Master/slave genre. This one, however, pushed my boundaries to the extreme, and I almost couldn't take the dreadful events in this novel that I had to put it down for a few days before picking it up again. 

Even now this book still hasn't left my thoughts since I read this a day ago. I will warn you that this isn't a captive/kidnap story about a Dominant and a "natural" submissive who ventures in the BDSM field and eventually falls in love with each other. If you want a BDSM story where the captive falls in love with her captor, this book is not it. This isn't a story that starts off as dark and ends with the MCs kissing and living happily ever after. This isn't Stockholm Syndrome. This isn't a book with happy ever afters. This is pure horror with elements of abuse in its simplest form, a total mind fuck and will most probably give you a nightmare once you've finished reading it.

Everything here was non-consensual. The hero, Ellis, was probably the sickest bastard I know of. He was a monster and a guy like him deserved to rot in hell. I couldn't for the life of me imagine the scenes in this book happening to someone, much less a very helpless woman like a flightless bird trapped in a small cage. I felt so bad for everything the heroine had to endure in the hands of a monster, but I was somehow relieved with how this book ended.

I would've given this a 1 star rating because of how horrid and revolting the story was, but I was once again held captive by Claire Thompson's powerful writing that I couldn't get enough of no matter how dark her works are. She is one of those very few authors who evokes the darkness residing deep within me whenever I indulge in her books. 

And after reading this one, I realized that

Claire Thompson has published erotic fiction and romance since 1996. Her work includes the sensual exploration of D/s and erotic romance, as well as the darker side of BDSM. Her work includes in-depth exploration of both m/f and m/m relationships, in the context of romance and D/s. She has published over fifty novels and short stories, both in print and ebook format. 
It is important to her to write about real people, characters she and her readers come to care about. She doesn't want to simply provide an erotic thrill or evocative description. With her D/s romances she seeks not only to tell a story, but to come to grips with, and ultimately exalt in the true beauty and spirituality of a loving exchange of power. Her darker works press the envelope of what is erotic and what can be a sometimes dangerous slide into the world of sadomasochism. She strives to write about the timeless themes of sexuality and romance, with twists and curves to examine the romantic side of the human psyche. Ultimately her work deals with the human condition, and the constant search for love and intensity of experience. 
A successful, independent author, Claire Thompson publishes under the Romance Unbound Publising.



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