Sunday, May 31, 2015

Brokered Submission by Claire Thompson


Book Title: BrokeredSubmission
Author: Claire Thompson
Series: Standalone
Genres: Dark Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon
My Rating: ★★★★☆ 4 Stars

Dylan steers clear of vanilla girls, preferring to find his play partners in the BDSM scene. But something about Zoë Stamos whispers to the Dom inside him. As they work together on a complex multi-million dollar investment deal, it is all too easy to imagine her naked and bound, skin glistening with sweat, her hair wild about her face. He can almost hear her breathy cries as he cracks a whip behind her, letting its sharp tip flick over her skin… 
When a key investor pulls out of a deal Zoë hoped would make her career, Dylan Hart offers to step in and cover the six million dollar shortfall, but his terms are like nothing she’s ever heard before. “You will spend the next forty-eight hours as my sexual slave. You will be confined to my basement dungeon, and you will be subject to my every sensual whim and erotic torture.” 
Zoë, who has a secret cache of dark, edgy erotic romances in her library, never dreams she’d be offered the chance to step right into the pages of one. Fantasy is one thing, real life erotic submission is quite another! But Dylan is waiting for her answer, his self-assured arrogance and intense sexual allure nearly too much for Zoë to handle. Her heart is hammering in her chest, and it’s hard to catch her breath.  
“So,” he says, “do we have a deal?”


Wow, what a surprise this book turned out to be. Brokered Submission was a little tame compared to Thompson's usual dark works. There were no non-consensual scenes, no crazy obsessed guy, no abduction whatsoever. But the strong elements of BDSM and actual slavery were still present. I was literally caught off guard by that ending, considering that this author isn't one who would give HEAs to her main characters. While I love extreme non-con and mind-fuckery in Claire Thompson's books, I have to say that this side of Claire really pleased me. The writing was great, as usual. And excellent dialogues were thrown between the two MCs. 

Those who love D/s relationships in books will enjoy this one. 

Claire Thompson has published erotic fiction and romance since 1996. Her work includes the sensual exploration of D/s and erotic romance, as well as the darker side of BDSM. Her work includes in-depth exploration of both m/f and m/m relationships, in the context of romance and D/s. She has published over fifty novels and short stories, both in print and ebook format. 
It is important to her to write about real people, characters she and her readers come to care about. She doesn't want to simply provide an erotic thrill or evocative description. With her D/s romances she seeks not only to tell a story, but to come to grips with, and ultimately exalt in the true beauty and spirituality of a loving exchange of power. Her darker works press the envelope of what is erotic and what can be a sometimes dangerous slide into the world of sadomasochism. She strives to write about the timeless themes of sexuality and romance, with twists and curves to examine the romantic side of the human psyche. Ultimately her work deals with the human condition, and the constant search for love and intensity of experience. 
A successful, independent author, Claire Thompson publishes under the Romance Unbound Publising.



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