Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tender Mercies by Kitty Thomas


Book Title: Tender Mercies
Author: Kitty Thomas
Genres: Dark, Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

“Grace. That word that finally meant something again. Mercy. Favor. Good will.” 
Fed up with play kink, Grace Warner moves to an island that embraces erotic slavery to be with a man she met online. Within hours of her arrival, everything is ripped from her, and she quickly learns play is preferable to the realities of actual enslavement. 
Asher Collins has spent the past year mourning and blaming himself for the death of his slave, Darcy. When Grace catches his eye at a showing, obviously abused, he becomes obsessed with buying her and finding a way to atone for his own past sins.


Another classic bdsm romance by Kitty Thomas who I came to love when it comes to dark novels with master/slave themes. This book was seriously fucked up and disturbing that I felt disgusted at times which made me want to vomit on my phone. But the way the author showed ingenuity in writing had me fixated on this story (and other books she wrote) that it was almost difficult to resist. I should feel guilty in reading kinky stuffs like this but with Kitty Thomas, I find myself being pulled irresistibly by her charms as a clever bdsm writer. The book was good but I just wish there was an epilogue where we get to see more of Asher and Grace's future as Master and Kitten. I would like to see them grow and develop their relationship as master and slave after the "death" of the devil himself. Either way, it was a good story, definitely for fans of dark erotica/bdsm romance that depicts abuse, slavery, and other dark elements that are certainly not for everybody. 4 'mindfuck' stars for this one.

“You may get me to say the word, but know this, you will never truly own me. That right belongs to my real master. You may take his symbol off my hip, but there will always be a scar that reminds us both what was there. And you might take his collar off my throat, but you'll never erase his name from my soul.”~ Grace to Lucas

Kitty Thomas writes dark erotic fiction with a literary edge and more psychology than sex. She writes dark literary erotica that explores dominance and submission. Not really classed as romance, though some readers see it that way. It's a case of your mileage may vary. Romance genre conventions and rules not usually followed but some books could easily be classed as "erotic romance" such as Mafia Captive or Tender Mercies. This work is meant for an adult audience. The author does not endorse or condone any of the behavior carried out by characters in her stories. She believes fiction is meant to challenge the reader, not teach morality. If you haven’t developed morals by the time you start reading erotica, it’s probably too late.


Tender Mercies
Published May 6th 2011 by Burlesque Press


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