Thursday, January 22, 2015

Asylum by Lily White


Book Title: Asylum
Author: Lily White
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary,
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

Words are funny things.
Their meaning, the pictures they paint in the minds of those that hear them: they’re not always the same and to me at least, that makes them meaningless.
Take for instance the phrase ‘black widow’. Those words conjure the image of a spider, an eight-legged creature with the red imprint of an hourglass on its abdomen.
However, instead of speaking of an arachnid, of the resident of a spindly and dew-laden web, the people who whisper those words are talking about something much different.
They’re talking about me.
From what I’m told, I’m called the Black Widow because no man I’ve ever loved has survived.
Yet, I have no memory of any of it.
My new home leads me to the definition of another vague and meaningless word.
It’s a place where I’m supposed to seek refuge.
A place of retreat and security.
It’s a place where I’m supposed to be kept safe because I’m sick.
But the definition for this place is wrong and the word becomes meaningless when you’re tucked away and made silent by drugs and pretty white jackets.My name is Alexandra Sutton and this is the story of what happened when I was imprisoned inside an Asylum.


Wow, what a one hell of a crazy journey this had been. I don't even know where to begin with, quite frankly. I'm still struggling to find the right words to say. Every time I finish a Lily White book, I always find myself questioning my sanity, and then staring into nothingness like my life had just crumpled in front of me. I admit I'm not used to reading Lily's books where heavy bdsm, non-con, kidnapping, slavery, etc are not present. I like her books to be hardcore, to be more on the darker side like her Masters series. I was so excited when I began reading this because no one, I mean no one can give a good mind fuck like Lily White.

I'm surprised that Asylum is different compared to her other works. This book made me feel all sorts of conflicting emotions. It got me so screwed up in my brain to the point of screaming "What the fuck is going on here!" and pulling my hair like some lunatic I had become. Since it was told from Alexandra's perspective, we were left with so many questions. I wish that there were some POVs of Jeremy. I hate that this author always prove my guesses wrong. So many questions... yet the answers are still not enough. I was waiting for a major mind fuck in this book, but alas, it did not come. I was thankful for an epilogue though, we get to see behind Jeremy's eyes where some of the truths were finally revealed. All in all, this book was still great, even if there was no major climax where we get to be like "Holy Shit!" or when we get to say "What the fuck!" Still got my brain and feelings tied up into knots and that's why I am madly in love with this author. I hope I wouldn't end up like Elaine.

Asylum by Lily White can be read as a standalone.

Lily White is a dark writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. Most of the time she can be found wandering around aimlessly while her mind is stuck in some twisted power play between two characters in her head. You may recognize her in public by the confused expression, random mumbling, and occasional giggle while thinking up a scene. Lily's favorite things in life are reading, thinking about reading, buying books for reading....and writing. Her other secret pleasure is meeting with her plot editor in public to discuss her books and watching the shocked expressions of the people around her that don't realize she's talking about a book. When Lily is not reading, writing, wandering or freaking out innocent bystanders, she's sleeping.



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