Thursday, January 22, 2015

Slade (Captive to the Dark #1) by Alaska Angelini


Book Title: Captive to the Dark: Slade
Author: Alaska Angelini
Series: Captive to the Dark #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary,
Book Links:  Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

MARY is the perfect tool to use against the man who took his sister, Lily. What better way to exact retribution from Governor Hagen and force him to bring Lily back, than to steal his own daughter and threaten to sell her as a sex slave, too? But, even the best laid plans don’t always go smoothly. Slade ends up falling for his captive, and is faced with a decision that might just cause him to lose the one thing he doesn’t want to let go. 
SLADE is every bit the animal he portrays. Dominant, dark, unbending, and possessive—her own personal predator. Mary can’t help but be drawn to the soul deep darkness in him. It calls to her like nothing she’s ever felt before.  
When her father bends to Slade’s will and releases Lily, will Mary be allowed to walk away and follow her father's plans to marry another, or will Slade make her a captive to the dark…forever?  
Warning: This book contains very graphic violence, disturbing situations, dubious consent, and very strong language.  


I've read "Watch Me" from this author and I loved it. And there's no denying that this book got me hooked! I loved Mary's strength and determination, despite her horrible past where she was [kidnapped for four years and raped]  at the young age of thirteen. Then it happened again---10 years later---where she was at the yacht owned by her sister's husband for a trip to California coast. She was kidnapped by the hero, Slade---who lost his sister Lily to the arms of human traffickers---and was brought to an isolated place. Sadly, Mary's father, who's governor and running for president, was involved behind the trafficking of sex slaves (not only sex slaves, but illegal arms and drugs as well). And Slade decided to kidnap the governor's daughter to bring back his sister home with him.

"You're not going to die, Mary Hagen. Not today. You're father has something that belongs to me. Until he gives it back... You belong to me."

At first, I was kinda confused how this novel fell to the dark romance category. I thought that the story wasn't as dark as any other I've read. It was messed up, with all the kidnapping involved, but what had me questioning this book was the hero, Slade. I just didn't see him fit as hero into the dark side of romance. I remember him saying that he wanted to break Mary, wanted her to feel the pain his sister Lily must've felt in the hands of her captors. Instead, he found himself caring for her. And as days go by, the attachment he felt for Mary grew deeper, like there was a bond forged between them that wouldn't go away. It kind of bothered me at first. I guess I just wasn't used tocaptors like Slade who were kind and nice to their slaves. But as I was reading, I found myself liking Slade and thinking that yeah, I guess this book is just as twisted and fucked up as any other dark romances. Which reminds me, not every dark romance has its own anti hero. Slade was different. I really do find him nice, sweet, caring, and he wanted Mary all to himself, even her own blood..

"The warm tang of Mary's blood took over my senses like the most addicting drug there was. I wanted more. To transfuse myself with her innocence and dilute my life of sin and debauchery."

I loved how deeply attached Slade was to Mary, to the point of carving his name on her chest with the use of a knife in the first few chapters of the book.

"The red jagged marks surrounded by blood called to me. SLADE. Right there across her chest for the world to see. My mouth turned dry just looking at my work. With the bright lights shining down on Mary, she looked spotlighted. Displayed, just for me. Like a woman on pedestal with all the attention being sucked in to her. And, soon, it would be."

Once he learned that Mary enjoyed the sick, twisted ways he does to her, he finally staked his claim and decided he's determined to keep her as his and wouldn't let her go.

This book is definitely not for those who are averse to kidnapping, violence, dubious consent, bdsm play, anal sex, knife and blood play, and master-slave theme. I really enjoyed this. Although there were times that I was confused with Mary's behavior later in the book, I still liked her character. I guess I was just as fucked up as she was for loving the dark side romance :) I definitely loved the author's writing style. She had me drawn right from the beginning to the end. Now, moving on to the next book... 

Alaska Angelini is an erotic BDSM author who also goes by the pen names Jennifer Salaiz and Jenny May.She lives in the SF Bay area...for now. She's a dreamer, and longs for the day when her husband and kids can load up in the car and drive until their hearts' content. Adventure and discovering new places play a huge role in Alaska's life. It drives her, and feeds the creativity of coming up with new locations for her stories.  
Within the last two years, Alaska and her family have drove across the country twice, and also drove the distance from Texas to California three times. Asked, if she could choose one place to permanently settle down, where would it be, Alaska laughed. "Montana, today. Tomorrow, it may be Alaska, again. I go back and forth."  
When Alaska is not dreaming of spontaneously hitting the road to find a new place to write about, she's being a mother and wife. If you're looking to connect with her to learn more, feel free to message or find her on Facebook.



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