Monday, January 19, 2015

Debt by Nina G. Jones


Book Title: Debt
Author: Nina G. Jones
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary,
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

I don’t know what I was thinking when I hired someone to attack me. Maybe I was bored, or lonely, or there was a void so deep inside of me that I needed something explosive to fill it. 
It was supposed to be safe. A thrill. A way to break through the monotony of everyday life. It was an illusion of danger that I could walk away from as soon as it was over.  
Except that it wasn’t. Because I had been in danger long before I ever invited it into my life. 
My mission is almost complete. The bubbling boil of vengeance that heats my blood might finally simmer.  
She is the last piece of the puzzle. Once I destroy her, everyone who ever hurt me will have paid their debt.  
It was supposed to be quick and easy, but as soon as I met her it got complicated.  
Very complicated.


Oh where do I begin? Let me start my review by saying HOLY FUCKING SHIT! (forgive me for the foul words, lol) My feelings are raging like a storm and my emotions are all over the place. It's been a while since I've read something that can be this meaningful and at the same time, depressive. How do I put this into words? When I finished this book at 2 in the morning, I simply put my reader down and stared outside the window, constantly thinking about the story that I hardly had any sleep at all. And it was as if darkness clouded every part of my being that an empty hole was forming in my chest. In fact, I think I may have suffered from a serious case of book depression if that's possible.

When Mia learns about her friend signing up for a website where all a woman's deepest and darkest fantasies will be fulfilled, she hesitates at first. A week passes and she feels disgusted with herself for constantly thinking about engaging in the kind of activity where a woman can hire a good-looking man to rape her. But eventually, she relents. She may already have been contented with her life, but she figures that something has been missing all along: the spice and intense excitement that she never felt before in her boring and monotonous sex life.

I need more. And this is the only thing in my life that might be that: More. ~ Mia

Everything has been carefully planned and laid after having to fill up the form on the website. And now all she has to do is wait, wait for this stranger who would give her the most intense sexual experience she will ever have in her life. Just then, when she comes home a few days later from a party completely unscathed, she thinks she is safe. But she thought wrong. Because standing in the living room of her home was a dark shadow of a man who would change her life forever: Tax Draconi.

I can't help but smile a little when she dances. She's so carefree right now. She thinks she's safe.But she doesn't understand that tonight is the night she dies. ~ Tax

Tax has lived the past 14 years of his life with only one thing in his mind: revenge. After suffering from a very dark, brutal and violent past, he vows to make those people who hurt him and his twin sister beyond repair pay for all the damages they've cost. He is not a good man. He is a killer, and he collects all the debts who owe him and his twin sister—he collects the debts by killing them, and that includes killing Mia Tibbett, a girl from his past who he believes was the person who's behind everything that has happened to him.

He vows that he wouldn't feel anymore. He stopped feeling a long time ago, but when he meets Mia the second time around, something inside of him slowly changes. Because somewhere deep in his cold heart lies a man who has a soft spot for the girl who he first fell in love with a long time ago; the girl who also cost the damage of his heart.

Will he continue his plan of killing her and making her pay for the debt she owes? Or would his plans completely change when he finally learns the truth? Read this book and find out.

I honestly thought at first that this wasn't one of those dark and twisted books that would fuck with our minds. But then as I read, I was beginning to understand how twisted as fuck this book can be. Seriously, this novel had so many twists and turns that I had to grip on my seat tightly so I wouldn't fall to the ground. The level of angst in this book was so heavy that it couldn't be weighted. Nina G. Jones is a new author to me, but then I already loved how she made me feel conflicting emotions as if I was one of the main characters in the book.

I fell in love with these two MCs as if I've transported into their worlds and that I've been there with them all along. And I absolutely fell in love with Ms. Jones and her compelling writing style that I couldn't get enough of. This was the first book I've read by the author and I'm glad that it did not disappoint.

What I didn't like in this book:

1. Mia hiring a man to rape her. I don't understand why she would want to sign up for a website and hire a man to rape her only to fulfill her darkest fantasy. I think the whole idea is just plain absurd. The absurdity of it makes me want to think how a disgrace she and her friend, Tiff are to all women who values their dignity. I get that this is only a fiction, but still... It just didn't sit well with me.

2. The tampon scene. LOL seriously, I agree with my friend/buddy reader, Lian. I would've also done the book without this scene. It's just plain gross and disgusting and just thinking about it makes me want to puke!

3. Rex' relationship with Jude. I don't know why I'm mentioning Rex and Jude together, but I notice that their relationship was fucked up. In Tax' POV, it was revealed many times how obsessed Rex was to Jude and how loyal he was to both twins. It was even mentioned that Rex and Jude live together. What I didn't sit well with me was the idea of Rex fucking other women and Jude fucking other men outside their relationship. If they claim to love each other, shouldn't they be having their eyes trained only on them? I was a little bothered by this one, lol. 

4. Tax running from Mia. This was the point where I wanted to lash out on Tax for being such a fucking pussy. He not only left Mia once, twice! I don't understand how you would leave the only woman you love after dodging death. Shouldn't you be staying for her, telling her that you love her and that you would never leave her side no matter what because you fucking love her? But no. Tax left. He was a fucking pussy for leaving.  That was a douchebag move, sir. And I'm afraid I'm going to have to kick your balls for this.

5. Tax killing Jude. 

What I loved about this book: 

1. The sex scenes. I won't ever complain about the number of times there were sex in this book because the book whore inside of me loved it! When it came to other books I've read that has numerous amount of sex scenes, I usually got bored and just skim through it. But in this book, holy crap, I don't care how many times Tax and Mia have hard, rough sex because they're so freaking hot together! I love smut that much lol ;D I just love it when Rex dirty talks (I swear I could get pregnant if I could hear his voice) And I loved how very descriptive the scenes were. I'd even give 10/10 for the level of smut that there was in this book.

2. No cheating. Oh yesssss. I have a tendency to obsess over a certain book that doesn't have any cheating or sex outside the MCs. And I'm glad that both MCs in this book are so devoted to each other that they couldn't even keep their hands off one another and couldn't think of fucking any OW/OM. That's one of the things I love about Tax. Even though he was such a pussy and a jerk, I loved that he wasn't like those other heroes who would find release with other women whenever he feels conflicted with his emotions. I fucking loathe asshole heroes like those. Therefore, I'm rooting for Tax even though he can be such a jerk sometimes.

3. Twistedness. I loved the twists and turns in this story! Definitely had me gripping at the edge of my seat the entire time. An awesome page turner!

4. Author's writing. I already mentioned this. I love the author and this certainly won't be the last book I'll read from her.

All in all, I would recommend this book to those who love to read dark erotica that has full of heavy angst and has a lot of steamy hot scenes. May contain trigger warnings such as blackmailing, rape, violence, death, etc.

Nina G. Jones was born and raised in Bronx, NY and currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two crazy Boxers. She is the author of the Amazon bestselling Strapped Series and the erotic romance, Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel. Nina LOVES connecting with readers. You can connect with her via Facebook, Twitter, or email her through her website,  
By day, Nina G. Jones works for an internet startup and is a freelance copywriter. She lives with her husband and two dogs. By night, she explores the hidden recesses of the human psyche in her writing. 
Nina has a background in Psychology and uses this as a starting point for her writing. She adds depth to her characters by exploring their psychological motivations. Due to the nature of the topics she explores, Nina does not shy away from explicit language, sexuality, or violence. Despite covering some heavy topics, Nina finds a way to infuse humor into her writing as well. 
She has a particular fascination with people who appear to be “normal” or “successful” by all outside appearances who are hiding a secret life.



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