Thursday, January 22, 2015

That Which Destroys Me by Kimber S. Dawn

Book Title: I Know What Love Is
Author: Whitney Bianca
Series: I Know... #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, Romance, Adult Fiction
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

A beautiful, enchanting story of love, happiness—*Record needle scratches across vinyl* 
I'm just f==king with you. Love, happiness, and fairy tales… Yeah, they don't live here anymore. 
The only things residing amongst these thin and baren walls are Dominance, submission, and twisted obsession. 
Stella gets knocked down over and over throughout her life… Though she is bloodied and battered she stands back up every single time, smirks and nods before asking, "That all you got?".  
Wesley has shoved his way through the rich life with both middle fingers up. He's also shoved his way through half of the socialite population, but all that vanilla lifestyle has left him a starved man. 
He knows he can't keep his Dom fed with kinky little masochistic vanilla's anymore. 
On his mission to find the perfect sub, Wesley stumbles across a broken, shattered angel, only to find when she comes up swinging, that this little angel knows how to fight. 
He wants to be the one who breaks her… 
But it's not a question of who breaks her, the question is who destroys her.  
“We will fight, angel. We’ll fight hard. But it’ll be worth every strike below the belt. Every hateful or spiteful word said, because when we love, when we fuck, when our passion reaches an intensity so goddamn powerful like it has every single time, it’ll extinguish all the bad. I want all your hate, Stell… Just as much as I want all your love. We are doing this. And there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it, angel. Is that understood?”  
***Be Prepared to Expect the UNEXPECTED***  
***This is a story of perseverance, trying to overcome the transgressions that others inflict upon you, it’s a story of love gone wrong and obsession gone mad. This book contains explicit descriptions of violence, disturbing situations, and very strong language. This book is intended for MATURE AUDIENCE MEMBERS ONLY, and NOT intended for the weak at heart.***

“I know now there is a difference in being broken and being destroyed. When you’re broken, you’re just broken; but when you’re destroyed… There’s no coming back. Broken people are still living, destroyed people are not.”

What. The Fck. Did I. Just. Read? My head is full of damn many WHATs. This novel just blew my fucking mind. And by blew, I mean it literally. I enjoy a nice dark erotic read but this book right here just fucked with my head. I don't even know what to feel after reading this, and my emotions are still confused as fuck. If you happen to love any of that happy ever after fairy tale bullshits, do not read this book! It will creep you out. It will destroy you and leave you broken to pieces.

Wesley "fucking" Jacobs is fucked up. He's a manho, a DOM, a jerk, a cocky bastard, and an abrasive motherfucker who always gets what he wants. But when he sets eye at the beautiful woman who walked in at his office as his new intern, he was bewitched and all he wants is her. 

Stella Jolie Reese isn't your average heroine. She's witty, feisty, and she ain't no doormat. She's a great woman and has a strong personality. But behind her badass façade lies a woman who has her own demons: a woman who has had horrific events in her past life but still she managed to survive. And I admire her character so much for being so strong despite the hell she had been through.

“I am not a submissive or a sub or whatever. I am a fucking fighter. Because absolutely everything I am and everything that I possess, I've had to fight like hell to get.”

I absolutely love Stella. She has a lot of strength and determination in her to live and withstand the nightmares that haunt her. She's one of my favorite heroines, and I love that she is a woman of her own. I also love Wesley, despite his fucked up demeanor and asshat attitude towards women. Wesley isn't your "forever" kind of guy. He doesn't believe in love and marriage. He doesn't stay with one woman and he loves "cunts" too much to be able to stick to one. But with Stella, everything is different. And I find it rather cute whenever Wesley goes OTT jealous and possessive towards HIS woman. 

Favorite line from Wes:

"I realize I have always loved her, from the moment she walked into my office for the first time with her head high, her shoulders back, like she owned everything and everyone around her. And she did. She owned me in that moment and every moment after."

Favorite line from Stell:

"Everything I experienced in my life led me back to Wesley Jacobs. Led me to the first and only boy I've ever loved. Wesley healed me. When I was wrapped in his arms I became whole again. Wesley's love was all consuming; it's beautiful, courageous, fierce and it was utterly precious. I will cherish the tiny moment in time, when I was his and he was mine."

And then there's me:

I give this a 4 out of 5 star read because this book damn infuriated me in many ways I could imagine. I hated Rachel, hated that she had sex with Wesley when he was drugged by Jude. Damn that bitch! I hated the monster for ruining this story. I hated Wesley for being so stupid, I hated Stella for (view spoiler) And I fucking hated how this book ended. But at the same time, I still loved it: the uniqueness and rawness and darkness and fuckedupness of the story. See how fucked up my mind has become? Damn you, Kimber S. Dawn. I hope you're happy while we drown in our own misery.

Kimber S. Dawn was born and raised in Louisiana. She started writing poems and short stories early in her life. She has been a book hoarder since she was eleven years old, until the 50 Shades of Grey craze brought life to her and she commenced to read anything and everything smut affiliated. When reading wasn't enough anymore and she noticed that so many of her favorite indie authors and their books weren't getting the exposure their work deserved, Kimber turned it into a mission, starting her own blog, buying their books and reading them one by one. She then wrote her reviews for her blog and didn't hold back in writing them. She has never done a single thing in her life halfway. She always go all in. After the success of her Blog and the insistence of one of her bestest friends, her sister from another mister, Trina Taylor of Bad & Dirty Books, she was ready to finally take the plunge and see if she could write a book that was worthy. Tattooed across her ribs are the words she has always lived by: 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam tibi.' Latin for: 'If I cannot find a way, I will make my own.'