Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Twisted Together by Pepper Winters


Book Title: Twisted Together
Author: Pepper Winters
Series: Monsters in the Dark #3
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, Adult Fiction
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★ 5 Stars!

“After battling through hell, I brought my esclave back from the brink of ruin. I sacrificed everything—my heart, my mind, my very desires to bring her back to life. And for a while, I thought it broke me, that I’d never be the same. But slowly the beast is growing bolder, and it’s finally time to show Tess how beautiful the dark can be.”  
Q gave everything to bring Tess back. In return, he expects nothing less. Tess may have leashed and tamed him, but he’s still a monster inside.  
After surviving the darkness, a new dawn has begun. Twisted Together wades through black to grey, chasing the light of true love to banish the shadows forever. 
Pain is a requirement, connection a necessity. But ultimately Q and Tess must face their demons, before they can embrace their future.


58 Wonderful, Dark, Sick and Twisted Stars!

Absolute. Fucking. Perfection. I would like to thank Ms. Pepper Winters for having to write such an amazing, breathtaking, heart-stopping series. And f*cking thank you for playing with my emotions, for ripping my heart out, breaking it into a million pieces, and picking it all up together and making it whole again. There are no words to describe how much I freaking love this series. I loved Tears of Tess and Quintessentially Q. But this book, this book fucking consumed me the moment I started reading this 'til the very end. I  absolutely admire Ms. Winters's writing. No words were left unsaid, no things were left undone. It. Was. Fucking. Perfect. I devoured every chapters of this book, imprinted every dialogues in my mind and embedded every words in my heart.

The blackness tried to swallow us whole, kill us, ruin us, capture our soul. But our demons didn't play well with others, the beast broke free to make them suffer. We're altered, we're abnormal, our souls stained with each other's mark. Our souls are that of monsters born in the dark.

Twisted Together started where the previous book left off with Q and Tess battling their own demons to find solace in the dark. Yes, they're in love, engaged, and getting married. But Tess is still being haunted with the horrors of her past in Rio, and Q still struggles to fix his esclave and make her whole again, unbroken, all the while facing his own demons.

I love how Q is willing to do everything to save Tess, to bring her out of her own darkness and slay every nightmares she has to endure. I love that Q, as her maître, would do anything to bring back the once strong, lively and passionate esclave who finds pleasure in pain and craves it like her next breath. He decides he can't marry her, not yet, when there is still clouds hanging over their heads and there are more demons they need to battle. But when he finds out that Tess no longer craves for pain, that she no longer gets wet with every pain Q inflicted for the sake of pleasure, he was devastated. He burned her, she destroyed him. So he decides to do this one thing that will both change their lives forever. He is about to kidnap her. He is about to make her relive everything, to stamp out the past and replace each with a new memory. And guess what? He did.

Intertwined, tangled, knotted forever, our souls will always be twisted together, our demons, our monsters belong to the other. Bow to me, I bow to thee, now we are free.

I admit, the first half of the book was a tad bit slow for me. Q and Tess have lots of internal struggles (both from their point of views), and I felt like some of it can be summarized into a paragraph instead of a whole chapter. But I guess that was what makes Ms. Pepper Winters's writing so unbelievably beautiful and utterly mesmerizing. She bids her time, she doesn't rush things to get the story done right away. Instead, she makes us feel. She makes us feel all the pain and agony these two characters have. Most of all, she makes us feel the intense passion, desire and love Q and Tess have for each other: a love that is true, honest, powerful. 

I thought that Q and Tess will finally have the happy ever after they deserved after everything they've been through in the two previous books. Until the second half of the book came like an explosion, and I was left completely shocked, gaping at my phone like an idiot. I should have known that danger is inevitable in this series. It shocked me immensely. I remember my fingers trembling as I held my phone, I remember holding my breath the entire time while I was reading in the darkness of my room. I couldn't help it, I was deeply affected by the major twist of this book. I was angry with the traffickers who kidnapped Tess in Q's office in Quintessentially Q, but I was more aggravated with the captors who stole Q from Tess in this book. I wanted to torture them, to cut off their foul dicks, feed it to them and shred their hearts to pieces. I hated that Ms. Winters toyed with my emotions. I hated that she tore my heart open and made me cry. There was a time when I was reading this book that I nearly lost hope: lost hope for Q, for Tess, for their love, for their forever. But I was wrong for doubting Ms. Winters's ability as a writer. I should've known better. I should've had trust and faith in her.

One esclave and one maître, no longer captive or thief, just perfect certainty and belief. You are my saviour. My forever. My salvation. My together. My absolution. My treasure. The crown to my home. You are my home.

I'm so absolutely fucking in love with this series. It was dark, twisted, gritty, suspenseful, but it was worth it. I tried so freaking hard not to finish this book fast. I wanted to devour every scenes, every words. But Pepper Winters has a way of writing that will always keep you over the precipice. And I loved reading every moment of it. I loved Q and Tess together. Their passionate moments were unlike any other. The sex scenes were hot, probably the hottest I've read for quite some time. They've been through a lot of terrors before finally having their happy ever after. And somehow, I felt like I've created an invisible bond with all of the characters in this novel. I'll never forget this series. Bravo, Ms. Pepper Winters for bringing us into the world of Q and Tess, a world where monsters find love and peace together in the dark.

Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future.



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