Saturday, January 31, 2015

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

Book Title: Archer's Voice
Author: Mia Sheridan
Genres: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Drama
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

When Bree Prescott arrives in the sleepy, lakeside town of Pelion, Maine, she hopes against hope that this is the place where she will finally find the peace she so desperately seeks. On her first day there, her life collides with Archer Hale, an isolated man who holds a secret agony of his own. A man no one else sees. 
Archer's Voice is the story of a woman chained to the memory of one horrifying night and the man whose love is the key to her freedom. It is the story of a silent man who lives with an excruciating wound and the woman who helps him find his voice. It is the story of suffering, fate, and the transformative power of love.


My first book by Mia Sheridan, and I loved it. It hurts me to give this book 4 stars when it deserves a whole lot more. But the drama bomb at the end was just too much. I've read enough in this book and the scene at the end was just really unnecessary. I've just had enough of all the dramas already. And I admit, I'm not really used to reading sweet, tearjerker romances like this one. That being said, Archer's Voice was still one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read. It was way beyond what I expected and up to now, I keep asking myself why it took me so long to read a book this wonderful.

I love the slow-building relationship between Archer and Bree. I adore Bree. She's sweet, funny, genuine,  caring, compassionate and a whole lot more. And Archer Hale... words can't even do justice to how wonderful this man is. I just love him. His imperfectness made him so perfect that I want to just hold him and never let go. One of my favorite heroes of all time. I love Archer and Bree together. Their love story was so unique, so beautiful, so epic and awe-inspiring that it brought tears to my eyes. This is why I hate reading New Adult books. I'll bawl my eyes out and will most definitely wake up the next morning with red, swollen eyes. My heart clenched inside my chest the whole time I was reading this. If not for the "too much dramas", I would have given this the 10+ stars it deserved. I would like to thank the author for writing such a moving love story, for bringing us into the world where fate and love truly exist.

Heart-warming, heart-breaking, tragic and just beautiful, Archer's Voice is one of those books that will indeed stay in our hearts forever.

Each night before I sleep, I make it a point to turn to her and silently say, Only you, only ever you. And her love slips quietly around me, holding me, anchoring me, reminding me that the loudest words are the ones we live.

Archer's Voice is a Sign of Love novel by Mia Sheridan which can be read as standalone. 

Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They have four children here on earth and one in heaven. Mia can be found online at or


Archer's Voice
Published January 25th 2014 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (first published January 1st 2014)


Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contamporary
Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon

Evie and Leo met in foster care as children and formed a bond of friendship. As they grew, their bond turned to love, and they vowed to make a life together when they turned 18 and were no longer a part of the system.
When Leo unexpectedly gets adopted as a teen and he moves to another city, he promises Evie that he will contact her as soon as he gets there and come back for her in a few short years. She never hears from him again.
Now eight years later, in spite of the odds, Evie has made a life for herself. She has a job. She has friends. She's content. Then a man shows up out of the blue, claiming that her long lost love, Leo, sent him to check up on her. The attraction between them is undeniable. But, should she trust this sexy stranger? Or is he keeping a secret about what his connection to Leo is really all about and why Leo disappeared all those years ago?

Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon

Grace Hamilton was the girl with a plan. She knew exactly where her life was going and prided herself on always achieving her goals. It was who she was, and how she lived her life. She never stepped outside the lines, and never considered what she might desire and whom she was actually trying so hard to please. Until him…
Carson Stinger was a man who didn't play by any rules except his own. Working in the adult entertainment industry, he didn't care what others thought, and took each day as it came, no direction, no plan. He knew what women wanted from him and believed it was all he had to offer. Until her… 
When circumstances forced them to spend several hours together, they walked away changed. But for two people who never should have meshed, overcoming the reality of their vastly different lives wasn't possible. At least not yet…

Friday, January 23, 2015

Her Master's Teacher by Lily White

Book Title: Her Master's Teacher
Author: Lily White
Series: Masters #2
Genres: Dark, Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★ 5 Stars!

She caught my attention the first day I was seated in her class. 
Her dark red hair fell in waves down her back and her alabaster skin appeared to sparkle under the lights of the lecture hall.
I'd admired her from a distance, never speaking or doing anything to draw attention to myself. 
Each day that I spent watching her in this room, I noticed how her eyes would flick up to me. She was wary of me - frightened - and she had reason to be.  
Allow me to introduce myself… 
My name is Holland Strong and at 21 years old, I'm the youngest Master within a society of wealthy and influential men.
Claire Elliot is my psychology professor in college - that is, at least, until I make her my first courtesan. 
She believes she knows everything about how the mind works… 
…and I believe I can prove her wrong.


Seriously, WTF did I just read?!?!?!??!?!?!

This book right here is the most ultimate mindfuck I've ever read about. Mere words can't even do justice to how freaking brilliant this is. If I could give a book more than 5 stars, I'd give this one a hundred. I think I need a few days or maybe even weeks to recover from this mindfuckery. I was... shit. I was

Meet Holland...

I resemble innocence, even though I am anything but...
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Holland Strong and at 21 years old, I'm the youngest man training to be a Master within a society of wealthy and influential men.
Claire Elliot is my psychology professor in college; that is, at least, until I make her my first courtesan.
She believes she knows everything about how the mind works and I believe I can prove her wrong.
This journey will be a test of intellectual superiority and Claire will be the ultimate challenge...

And meet Claire...

I silently scolded myself for any of the emotions I'd allowed to slowly consume me regarding this particular student. He was just another beautiful face within a sea of people I was hired to teach.
He was not a man I could allow myself to admire.
He was not a man I could allow myself to want.
But most of it all, he was not a man about whom I needed to worry.
He was a student. I was his teacher.
It was as simple as that.

I honestly believe that Holland was one of the biggest surprises there was in this book. Aiden also played a major role in this book, being the devil himself, and so did Rebecca. I absolutely adored Claire's character. But Holland... I thought I knew him all along, but then, it turned out his character was unlike anything I'd ever thought he was. I thought I knew what was going on, I thought I had a clue on how this book would end, but Lily White is Lily White. She did a spectacular job in playing with her reader's mind and toying with our emotions. I was a victim who fell over the invisible trap she had put within the confines of her masterpieces. I was as much as a victim as Claire was. This author never fails to blow my mind and make my heart constrict. The twists and turns... the ultimate mindfuck... I admit it was one of the most heart-stopping events I've ever encountered in a certain book. Lily White wakes the darkness that resides within the very depths of my mind and soul and I love her for it. Damn you again, Lily White. I think I'll never get tired of saying those words for you, Ms. author, have captivated me with your brilliant skills and talent as a Dark Erotic writer. 

If you loved Her Master's Courtesan, you'll for no doubt love this one! Though I loved this book better than the first one. Now I'm anxious and definitely excited in reading about the other masters! I hope the next book in this series comes out soon (if there is a next one).

Her Master's Teacher is the second book to Lily White's Masters series and can be read as standalone.

Lily White is a dark writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. Most of the time she can be found wandering around aimlessly while her mind is stuck in some twisted power play between two characters in her head. You may recognize her in public by the confused expression, random mumbling, and occasional giggle while thinking up a scene. Lily's favorite things in life are reading, thinking about reading, buying books for reading....and writing. Her other secret pleasure is meeting with her plot editor in public to discuss her books and watching the shocked expressions of the people around her that don't realize she's talking about a book. When Lily is not reading, writing, wandering or freaking out innocent bystanders, she's sleeping.



Target This
Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Kobo

I’m not sure what I was thinking that day. It was a normal Thursday, nothing new or exciting had occurred in the morning. I’d risen from bed, taken a shower and brushed my teeth. I’d then jumped on the 8:05 bus that ran a short distance between my house and the county library where I worked. The ride took its usual 15 minutes before it left me standing fresh faced in front of a building of gothic construction that was my favorite place in the world. After straightening my knee length skirt, I pushed open the door that led into the interior of the library.It was at that moment that my world would change – impossibly and forever. It was a fateful movement of wood that collided with the shoulder of a man that would alter my very existence. It wasn’t fear that I felt at that moment – more like the feeling of being watched. It was the feeling of knowing that danger lurks - the sensation of the hair standing on end at the back of your neck.Looking back on a moment that happened so many months ago, I now realize that I should have listened to that feeling.As I would later find out, the man standing in front of me referred to himself as Master Lucas……and I was his next target.

Hard Roads
Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon

This life isn’t one that I chose for myself. Years spent as a daughter in the Dominion MC left me washed up and struggling to breathe. Life was never flowers and sunshine. It was gravel and dust, the trails of dirt left behind when the brothers tore out, floating up from the ground to hover in front of an angry, red sun.I could never have imagined that a life sitting at rock bottom could get any worse, but it did. Life is funny like that.Just when you think things can’t get any more bleak, a shade is drawn leaving you staggering and blind – lost in a world of heartache and sorrow.I met J.D. Brooks on the road and he swept me off my feet. Literally. But not in the way you might think.He was both an angel and a demon. He was the most vicious storm that ever darkened my life.He was also my salvation.Stripped from the hands that always held me back, I was released into a nightmare that would threaten everything I thought I knew about the crap hand I’d been dealt.I thought I could never hate a man more than the one who stole me from the life I’d known. And in our time together, he would teach me one important lesson:That in the end, it doesn’t matter how our paths intersect, because when it comes down to the basic truth of our lives... ..we’re all stuck traveling down hard roads.

Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Kobo

Words are funny things.Their meaning, the pictures they paint in the minds of those that hear them: they’re not always the same and to me at least, that makes them meaningless.Take for instance the phrase ‘black widow’. Those words conjure the image of a spider, an eight-legged creature with the red imprint of an hourglass on its abdomen.However, instead of speaking of an arachnid, of the resident of a spindly and dew-laden web, the people who whisper those words are talking about something much different.They’re talking about me.From what I’m told, I’m called the Black Widow because no man I’ve ever loved has survived.Yet, I have no memory of any of it.My new home leads me to the definition of another vague and meaningless word.It’s a place where I’m supposed to seek refuge.A place of retreat and security.It’s a place where I’m supposed to be kept safe because I’m sick.But the definition for this place is wrong and the word becomes meaningless when you’re tucked away and made silent by drugs and pretty white jackets.My name is Alexandra Sutton and this is the story of what happened when I was imprisoned inside an Asylum. 

Her Master's Courtesan by Lily White

Book Title: Her Master's Courtesan
Author: Lily White
Series: Masters #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, BDSM
Book Links: Goodreads
My Rating: ★★★★ 4. Stars!

I am a Master.You must know this fact to understand my story.I capture women. I break them down. And I rebuild them. If they are lucky, they are sold into the professional hands of another Master. If they are less fortunate, they are buried beneath the ground, never to be thought of again.I lust for the control, I demand absolute submission and my body yearns to warp the minds of those I train.Power is the only thing I’ll ever need and I am addicted to the feeling of ultimate control.I am wealthy, good-looking, educated and charming. And I am - in no way - a good man. I do not want love. I do not want kindness.She thought she could change me by giving me the two things I knew I never wanted.She was wrong.


Holy hell. It's been over 12 hours since I've read this, yet I'm still reeling over how dark, fucked up and mind-blowing this book was. Damn you, Lily White! I hardly had any sleep the entire night because of this book. I don't know what to say. This author got me so f*cked up in my brain I don't even know if my sanity is still intact. I admit Her Master's Courtesan is probably one of the darkest books I've ever put my hands on. I'm not gonna lie, I cringed and grimaced the whole time I was reading this. There were times when I was reading a scene and I was like, "Oh my god, did I just read that correctly?" and then I had to re-read it again and then I was like "Holy shit! That did not just happen!"

This is one of those books where you want to stop reading and throw your E-Reader outside the window and just get the hell away from the book because it's too much, but instead, you keep on reading because of the author's brilliant writing skill that pulls you deeper into the story until you're sure your mind is left utterly destroyed (well not literally, but close enough). I wouldn't consider this book as a love story, because there was not a single ounce of romance in it. It's a book of pure horror that depicts abuse, rape, degradation, humiliation, actual slavery and other kinds of abuse plus the erotic elements. The hero, Aiden has zero-nada-zilch redeemable qualities. If there was anyone who'd be the perfect definition of an ANTI-HERO, it was him. I was appalled and disturbed by this book at the same time I loved how it blew my mind away.

I just experienced one of the most brutal mind-fucks of my life thanks to Lily White. 4 "mind-blowing" stars for this one! Would've given this 5 stars if they lived HEA. But that's not the case. There's no HEA in this book. But who knows? Maybe they were both happy after all in their own twisted ways. Love this author and this certainly won't be the last book I'll be reading from her. :)

Trigger Warnings:

Yes, there was a scene when the hero, Aiden had sex with another woman in front of the heroine. He was an anti-hero and his character was consistent throughout the book.

Her Master's Courtesan is the first book in Lily White's Masters series and can be read as standalone.

Lily White is a dark writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. Most of the time she can be found wandering around aimlessly while her mind is stuck in some twisted power play between two characters in her head. You may recognize her in public by the confused expression, random mumbling, and occasional giggle while thinking up a scene. Lily's favorite things in life are reading, thinking about reading, buying books for reading....and writing. Her other secret pleasure is meeting with her plot editor in public to discuss her books and watching the shocked expressions of the people around her that don't realize she's talking about a book. When Lily is not reading, writing, wandering or freaking out innocent bystanders, she's sleeping.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

That Which Destroys Me by Kimber S. Dawn

Book Title: I Know What Love Is
Author: Whitney Bianca
Series: I Know... #1
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, Romance, Adult Fiction
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★ 4 Stars

A beautiful, enchanting story of love, happiness—*Record needle scratches across vinyl* 
I'm just f==king with you. Love, happiness, and fairy tales… Yeah, they don't live here anymore. 
The only things residing amongst these thin and baren walls are Dominance, submission, and twisted obsession. 
Stella gets knocked down over and over throughout her life… Though she is bloodied and battered she stands back up every single time, smirks and nods before asking, "That all you got?".  
Wesley has shoved his way through the rich life with both middle fingers up. He's also shoved his way through half of the socialite population, but all that vanilla lifestyle has left him a starved man. 
He knows he can't keep his Dom fed with kinky little masochistic vanilla's anymore. 
On his mission to find the perfect sub, Wesley stumbles across a broken, shattered angel, only to find when she comes up swinging, that this little angel knows how to fight. 
He wants to be the one who breaks her… 
But it's not a question of who breaks her, the question is who destroys her.  
“We will fight, angel. We’ll fight hard. But it’ll be worth every strike below the belt. Every hateful or spiteful word said, because when we love, when we fuck, when our passion reaches an intensity so goddamn powerful like it has every single time, it’ll extinguish all the bad. I want all your hate, Stell… Just as much as I want all your love. We are doing this. And there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it, angel. Is that understood?”  
***Be Prepared to Expect the UNEXPECTED***  
***This is a story of perseverance, trying to overcome the transgressions that others inflict upon you, it’s a story of love gone wrong and obsession gone mad. This book contains explicit descriptions of violence, disturbing situations, and very strong language. This book is intended for MATURE AUDIENCE MEMBERS ONLY, and NOT intended for the weak at heart.***

“I know now there is a difference in being broken and being destroyed. When you’re broken, you’re just broken; but when you’re destroyed… There’s no coming back. Broken people are still living, destroyed people are not.”

What. The Fck. Did I. Just. Read? My head is full of damn many WHATs. This novel just blew my fucking mind. And by blew, I mean it literally. I enjoy a nice dark erotic read but this book right here just fucked with my head. I don't even know what to feel after reading this, and my emotions are still confused as fuck. If you happen to love any of that happy ever after fairy tale bullshits, do not read this book! It will creep you out. It will destroy you and leave you broken to pieces.

Wesley "fucking" Jacobs is fucked up. He's a manho, a DOM, a jerk, a cocky bastard, and an abrasive motherfucker who always gets what he wants. But when he sets eye at the beautiful woman who walked in at his office as his new intern, he was bewitched and all he wants is her. 

Stella Jolie Reese isn't your average heroine. She's witty, feisty, and she ain't no doormat. She's a great woman and has a strong personality. But behind her badass façade lies a woman who has her own demons: a woman who has had horrific events in her past life but still she managed to survive. And I admire her character so much for being so strong despite the hell she had been through.

“I am not a submissive or a sub or whatever. I am a fucking fighter. Because absolutely everything I am and everything that I possess, I've had to fight like hell to get.”

I absolutely love Stella. She has a lot of strength and determination in her to live and withstand the nightmares that haunt her. She's one of my favorite heroines, and I love that she is a woman of her own. I also love Wesley, despite his fucked up demeanor and asshat attitude towards women. Wesley isn't your "forever" kind of guy. He doesn't believe in love and marriage. He doesn't stay with one woman and he loves "cunts" too much to be able to stick to one. But with Stella, everything is different. And I find it rather cute whenever Wesley goes OTT jealous and possessive towards HIS woman. 

Favorite line from Wes:

"I realize I have always loved her, from the moment she walked into my office for the first time with her head high, her shoulders back, like she owned everything and everyone around her. And she did. She owned me in that moment and every moment after."

Favorite line from Stell:

"Everything I experienced in my life led me back to Wesley Jacobs. Led me to the first and only boy I've ever loved. Wesley healed me. When I was wrapped in his arms I became whole again. Wesley's love was all consuming; it's beautiful, courageous, fierce and it was utterly precious. I will cherish the tiny moment in time, when I was his and he was mine."

And then there's me:

I give this a 4 out of 5 star read because this book damn infuriated me in many ways I could imagine. I hated Rachel, hated that she had sex with Wesley when he was drugged by Jude. Damn that bitch! I hated the monster for ruining this story. I hated Wesley for being so stupid, I hated Stella for (view spoiler) And I fucking hated how this book ended. But at the same time, I still loved it: the uniqueness and rawness and darkness and fuckedupness of the story. See how fucked up my mind has become? Damn you, Kimber S. Dawn. I hope you're happy while we drown in our own misery.

Kimber S. Dawn was born and raised in Louisiana. She started writing poems and short stories early in her life. She has been a book hoarder since she was eleven years old, until the 50 Shades of Grey craze brought life to her and she commenced to read anything and everything smut affiliated. When reading wasn't enough anymore and she noticed that so many of her favorite indie authors and their books weren't getting the exposure their work deserved, Kimber turned it into a mission, starting her own blog, buying their books and reading them one by one. She then wrote her reviews for her blog and didn't hold back in writing them. She has never done a single thing in her life halfway. She always go all in. After the success of her Blog and the insistence of one of her bestest friends, her sister from another mister, Trina Taylor of Bad & Dirty Books, she was ready to finally take the plunge and see if she could write a book that was worthy. Tattooed across her ribs are the words she has always lived by: 'Aut viam inveniam aut faciam tibi.' Latin for: 'If I cannot find a way, I will make my own.'


Boy Next Door by Emma Clark


Book Title: Boy Next Door
Author: Emma Clark
Genres: Dark, Erotica, Contemporary, BDSM
Book Links: Goodreads Amazon Smashwords
My Rating: ★★★★★ 5 Stars!

"I'd glimpsed the human behind the monster. Now I couldn't go back." 
At a busy coffee shop near Houston, Mia meets tall, dark, hot Brandon Levine. 
Brandon's jade-colored eyes captivate her. His smile beguiles her. But what secrets is he hiding behind those eyes and dazzling smile? 
Soon she'll discover Brandon's insidious motives, and truths that will shock her. 
And just wait till she meets his brother Tyler. 
BND: This isn't role-play. This is the real deal.


5 "Insanely Sick Fucked Up Twisted Demented Mind Fuck" stars.

Holy. Fuck. I need a minute to calm my nerves. Okay. I don't even know what possessed me to like this. I didn't connect much with the characters (since the heroine was fucking dumb and stupid and the hero as well as his fucking brother and stupid fuck of a father were a freaking psychopath with severe mental issues), the time setting was a bit off (considering how fast one scene jumped to another), and there were some messed-up scenes that I found myself grimacing at times. I understand that a lot of people didn't like the book. But it worked for me. Call me crazy but I loved this book. I loved the extreme dark elements and how it almost made my heart burst. To those who'll read this in the future, READ THE DAMN BLURB for your own sake. Do not read this if you're averse to kidnapping, rape, impregnation, dubious consent, a psychopath with severe mental illness, abuse, incest, and a lot more. You certainly won't find sunshine and roses here.

"The combination of 'Stockholm Syndrome' and 'cognitive dissonance' produces a victim who firmly believes the relationship is not only acceptable, but also desperately needed for their survival."~ Love and Stockholm SyndromeJoseph M. Carver, Ph.D

"I'd glimpsed the human behind the monster. Now I couldn't go back." 

Emma Clark writes novels, novellas and short stories. Most of her books feature the anti-hero, who is feared, loathed and loved.But now she is diving into the world of Graphic Novels, and she hopes her fans understand this. She is a very "visual" type of writer and, for her, it's more of an immersive experience using images with stories. She is also an artist, not just a writer. Being artistic is just as important to her as writing text. Emma's Genres are: erotica, dark erotica, erotic romance, paranormal romance.Friendly Warning: Some of her work involves offensive themes such as non-con and dub-con.